Doug's Lessons

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All of these teachings have taken years to compile.  Each thought has been written down and then reexamined, researched and reconsidered many times again and again over the years until I get to the point where the Holy Spirit doesn’t allow me to make any more changes.  At that state of mind is where these epistles are finally submitted for public consumption. Some articles have a year beside my name.  That is the year I finally published that particular article.  My one and only motivation in all of this is to reveal biblical truths to sincere believers in their hunt for truths that have been conspicuously hidden from the body of Christ as a whole for centuries by religious factious denominations and ministries.  

Office of Apostle

To understand a little more about the office of Apostle other than the common definition “sent ones,”  read more from one who is called to the position.


As a believer, are you walking in sinless perfection like the bible commands, or are you deceived into believing that “nobody’s perfect” like most other Christians?

The Sabbath

Are you one of those “Saturday Sabbath Keepers?” Or maybe your Sabbath is Sunday.  Do you even know how to obey the fourth commandment Sabbath?


Spirit of Truth

Do you have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside you along with the Spirit of Christ? Do you speak in Tongues? Do you have the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

Reason for the Season

Do you like celebrating Christmas?  Do you know what day Jesus was born? Does the bible tell us to Celebrate the birth of Jesus?  Does God Care?

Agape Love

Do you think you know all about God’s kind of love? Do you think His Love is unconditional like all the preachers say or is it conditional?

Will Worship

Are we really worshiping Jesus the way the Bible says we should or are we worshiping our ability to keep a lot of man’s doctrines. rules and traditions?

Our Idol is Falsehood

 Do we worship any kind of idols?  Do we have figurines or alters set up in our houses surrounded by candles that we unknowingly  worship wrongly? 

Unity & Heresy

Are you striving for unity in the body of  Christ or are you a Heretic?  Do you even know the definition if a true biblical heretic and if you fit the description?

Vessels of Wrath

Does God intend for all people to be given the opportunity to be saved or only those who are predestined to be saved?

Authoritative and Familiar

Are we as believers supposed to “line ourselves up with the pastors vision” (the familiar authoritative voice) in our denominational sects?

Your Testimony

 Have you previously given your testimony of how Jesus saved you?  Is this something the Body of Christ should frequently do?

Loose lips Bare Fools

Are you someone who likes talking all the time, endeavoring to be funny but making sure your opinion is part of the conversation?  Is this biblical?

Unconditional Eternal Security

Are we as believers “once saved- always saved?  Is there any way to loose our salvation?

Strength in Him

 Are we believers operating in the strength of God or are we really walking out this Christian walk in our own strength?

Christian Dieting

Are we truly following the Bible or are we just following the latest denominational diet of the month? 

Decently and in Order

Are  we conducting our services in our buildings the way God wants them or the way we have done it for decades?

Errors About Baptism

Is water baptism required for salvation or is that being legalistic?  

Like-Minded Believers

What is a like-minded believer?  Are we supposed to be associating with these kind of “Christians”

Our Own Works

Are  we operating by the power of the Spirit or by the power of our own religious works?


Personal testimony of how to react in the face of adversity. 

Eternal Damnation

Are the fires in Hell and the Lake of Fire forever, or are they only for a season until the “Restoration of All things?”









