Larry Meguiar

About Larry Meguire

Larry had a website for years titled “Larry Meguiar’s The Overcomer’s Refuge. End Time Sons of Jah.”  The website address was  His last post on the website was in 2013.  It was still operational for a couple of years after that.  Since he no longer posted on his site I began saving the pages to my computer in case something happened to him that prevented him from maintaining his site.  Sure enough, after 2016 his website was no longer functional  but I had managed to save a lot of his article’s that he had posted over the years.  So I will be posting some of his most important thoughts into the Word of God on this site to preserve  the wealth of wisdom published by this man of God.  The articles do not contain the art and colorful displays that Larry produced on his site but I have tried to reproduce the wording as close as possible to his original statements with very few alterations to fit into this website.  If I ever find that he has produced  another website  I will be most happy to direct you to that site, however in 2013 he was in his 70’s and I figured the disappearance of that site was probably due to health/age reasons. 
I never met this man or ever spoke to him personally, but after 20 years of research in the Word I was discovering that the church was broken and so completely different from the church discussed in the bible that I couldn’t see why so many pastors were teaching so many false doctrines.  Then I discovered Larry’s website and found him seeing the same thing in his bible that I was finding in mine.  He helped explain many things as to why the church was so corrupted and deceived. It was obvious he had researched his bible for decades and had insights that could only be obtained by revelation directly from spending time with the Holy Spirit (not from obtaining a doctorate from a theological cemetery)  He knew that the only ones that could hear what he was saying would be the very small company of overcomer’s  who were ready to die to everything but the cause of Christ, and he had very little patience for the millions of deceived “Christian’s” who weren’t ready to die to self and give up their false religious beliefs.  Larry and I have much to impart on many subjects in the Word, so rather than writing another article in my words, I will let him tell you in his.  I am a strong believer in not reinventing the wheel if it already rolls properly.  Please enjoy and learn from his teachings as I have over the years…  Doug

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