Mind of our Savior

The Mind of our Savior

by Larry Meguiar

Paul spoke of pressing toward the mark of the high calling of God. The highest calling is the manifesting as a “Son of God.This is the calling upon the 144,000 Overcomers who are used to manifest the Kingdom of God on this earth through the victory of our King, Jesus.

This calling to overcome is also upon the women, but they can only come as the men are brought into their position. What applies to the men, applies also to the women. The calling on the women in this day is great, and in my opinion, there will be far more women who are brought into the “overcoming walk” than men. However, the men MUST be brought forth first, for they are in the headship role, even as Our Savior had to be brought forth first before the men. In the “coming out of Babylon”, and all of her confused ways, things will be set in Kingdom Order.

Each of the “Overcomers” will go through hell to attain unto their calling. The Serpent will be out to destroy them before they reach their point of calling. In this, there will be no natural realm evidence that they are even on the right track, for nothing has as yet manifested to confirm the track they are walking. Only in the overcoming of the Serpent will things manifest, and during the time of the overcoming, everything will with great fervor, contradict all of the complexities that have been promised to them. They have been thrust into a war zone they know nothing about, and in that war, only by faith . . . great faith . . . will they ever birth forth into their sonship calling.

We are born with a fallen nature that is sure it can play “God” over not only our own life, but over everyone else’s as well. In order to manifest as a son, this falleness MUST BE DEALT WITH SEVERELY through the works of the cross. Until a person has been brought to the place of a thorough death to this falleness, he is of no use to God as a Son.

The Serpent can only serve God, and therefore, all of his wickedness to destroy the Overcomers only serves to work the cross upon them, even as it was done with Our Savior Himself. Going through the cycles of the cross unto this death is a terrible road to walk. It can only be accomplished through faith, and the Serpent works diligently to kill this faith. He works as a deceiver, seducer to prognostications (lying scenarios), high mindedness concerning our calling, accuser / prosecutor, magician, tempter, and a twister of Truth to seduce. Any one called to overcome will experience the full force of the Serpents wicked antics to devour them before they are born, and there will be nothing in this natural realm to refute his seductions to dis-believe the calling, and promise of God.

Overcomers will have discovered their destiny, and the Serpent will work most diligently to distract such a called individual from pushing toward that destiny. The reality is that everything in this natural realm will scream in contradiction to convince the Overcomer that he is on a bad track!!! Instead of coming into the promises, he will suffer the contradiction. The losing of his life in totality, for only in the losing can he be given.

When these contradictions come, then the “fallen ego” is dying a terrible death.  This ego desires a reputation, to “make a name for itself”, and through that, a “power base” from which to rule no matter how small or great that position may be.  

Take the blinders off and take a look around.  The more you are able to see this in operation, the more you will see it working in most people’s lives.  

There are many areas in which the ego seeks fulfillment, which is a subject unto itself.  When it is going through its death, the individual will feel TOTALLY UNFULFILLED, and this causes turmoil in the psyche.  God is NOT out to fulfill the ego, but to see it die its death in Christ.  This is not an easy thing to suffer, but the more one understands what is happening with them, then the easier it becomes.  He is developing the “Mind of Christ” in us, and that mind does NOT seek a reputation, a high position, or get HIGH MINDED over whatever the calling may be.  If Christ humbled Himself so that God could exalt Him in due season, then how much more should we follow in those footsteps?

How many “ministries” have really only promoted that ministry to fulfill their ego???  The Pulpit IS a POWER BASE, and men love to rule over the people.  This we must look out for in ourselves, for what we see in others IS ALSO IN US.

When the works of the cross are applied to us, our fallen ego loses its life, and therefore becomes totally unfulfilled.  In being unfulfilled, it fights its death with all fervor, and therefore seeks fulfillment to save its life.  This opens us up for deception.  We desire recognition, and in that, a “high reputation.”  This is what gets everyone off base in what they think about themselves, and become rather “high minded” about their calling.  When people come against us, then our reputation is being destroyed, and we do not much like it.  Then the ego rises to defend itself to try and save its life.

I have found it to be most true that the ego never gives of itself to ANYTHING but that which tends to exalt itself, regardless of how righteous the “giving of itself” may appear.

In reading my articles, you will well see that I am NOT one who has thrown the Law of God away.  However, most of what I see among the “Law Keepers” is nothing more than self-righteous works of the fallen ego to appear righteous, and no matter how good it appears, it is nothing but works of the flesh that counts for nothing.  Do NOT let yourself be seduced into the same error they are in, or under such counterfeit authority.

Yahweh has chosen the path of each Overcomer to bring them into their high calling. A path that is to produce the mind of Our Savior in them. What is that “Mind of Our Savior”? I paraphrase from Phil. 2: Let this mind of Christ become life in you, who being in the form (image, nature) of God, thought it not robbery to be equal (same as, one with) God. 

In that secured knowledge, He refused to exalt Himself as those who walk in the carnal mind do, but made Himself of NO reputation, and took upon Him the form, likeness of a servant, and submitted unto seemingly being the same as all men. 

In being found in the fashion of all other men, he became obedient to our Father unto the death, even the death of the cross. 

After this obedience was accomplished, God then highly exalted him, giving Him the name above all names, that at the sound of His name, every knee should bow, and every tongue should confess that Jesus is the King, the Supreme Commander, to the Glory of God our Father.

The mysteries involved with the above paraphrased passage are infinite. It is the path to the becoming one with Our Savior at the right hand of the Almighty. It is how we are exalted as even Our Savior was, into a position of irrefutable authority. Not so we can decide actions and matters after our own will from self assured brilliance of our own mind, but obedient to the will of our Father, as even Our Savior is. Then and only then will we be able to work the will of God on this earth. Then, and only then will we be “Sons of God”, even as Our Savior.

In becoming one with Jesus through the death of the cross, we then also become one with God. In deep consternation, we face the humiliation of finding that we are in the same fashion as all others, and therefore contain the same falleness that we constantly witness in the world. Upon entering this Light, we come to the understanding that we are not here to judge them any more than what we want our own selves to be judged.

We are being made deliverer’s, with a heart for the people that will turn from their confusions unto Our Savior the Living Truth. Only those who do turn will be saved from the coming destruction of this present kingdom of darkness that rules the earth. We are being made deliverer’s by BEING DELIVERED (saved, redeemed) ourselves. We are giving our lives in becoming “saviors” to lead the people out, but cannot perform such a task until we have ourselves been delivered.

The “Coming out of Her” is the coming out of the fall of Eve to the Serpent, and Adam to Eve, which has brought forth all of the resulting despicableness that has plagued the earth throughout history.

We cannot be exalted into irrefutable authority until we have come out of the fallen thinking we are in ourselves a god, and should be able to run not only our own lives, but all else as well through our own self righteous thinking. Coming out by walking the walk of the cross that brings the needed death to this wicked nature that is one with the Serpent. 

The fallen self righteous mind (the fallen ego) produces the iniquitous need to feel superior, and in that superiority, puts down all others to maintain this false sense. Only through the death of the cross with Our Savior can we be rid of this judgmental nature that points the finger at others while exalting one’s self.  This action works so subtly, that it is not even recognized by the one who is so functioning.

The path of the Overcomer is accomplished by the precepts found in Revelation 12. In loving not their life unto the death, even the death of the cross, the Overcomers will then be exalted in Our Savior to the right hand of God, and thus into His irrefutable authority. They are caught over unto the throne of God, and in that catching over, the authority of Jesus, and His Kingdom, then comes forth in full manifestation. That manifestation will at once destroy the illusions at work in our midst that are represented to us as Our Savior and His authority by the self exalting Priests of Baal, even after the manner of Elijah who called down fire upon the sacrifice to expose the self appointed Priests of His day.

This exalting of the Sons of God will be the end of all religious confusion for those that will come out to rule and reign with Our Savior. All others will meet their due destruction while the saints shout hallelujah with great joy. This comes by being freed from the mind of the Serpent, the Tree of Death nature, and becoming one with the Mind of Our Savior, the Tree of Life, who:

refused to exalt Himself as those who walk in the carnal mind do, but made Himself of NO reputation, and took upon Him the form, the likeness of a servant, and submitted unto seemingly being the same AS ALL MEN

In being found in the fashion of all other men, he became obedient to our Father unto the death, EVEN THE DEATH OF THE CROSS

After this obedience was accomplished, God THEN HIGHLY EXALTED HIM(not before) giving Him the name above all names, that at the sound of His name, every knee should bow, and every tongue should confess that Jesus is the King, the Supreme Commander, to the Glory of God our Father.

If we want to be exalted into our calling by God, and not by our own hands through the works of the fallen ego, then this IS the ONLY WAY TO GET THERE.  Obtaining a “calling”, a high position, in any other way is nothing more than the works of the flesh, and IS NOTHING but hay, wood, and stubble, that shall be burned.