Spirit of jezebel

The Spirit of Jezebel

by Larry Meguiar

Satan is The Deceiver of the WHOLE EARTH.  The Spirit of Jezebel counterfeits the Spirit of God, and seduces us into Satan’s Deceptions.  “She” is holding us captive by those seductions, and once you see this one, you will understand just how strong are her seductions.  This, my friends, is what is causing “THE STRONG DELUSION”!!!

We are in captivity to “her” BABYLON. We are being told to GET OUT OF HER, or we will receive the same judgments that are falling upon “her.”  We will fight all of hell in doing so.  In the overcoming of this one, we will be given the right to SMASH THE NATIONS AS CLAY POTS WITH A ROD OF IRON!!!

I would admonish those that are called into the “Overcoming” that you will NOT accomplish the overcoming without understanding the matters covered on these pages.  This understanding will NOT come easily.  It will require disciplined study, and that with the Spirit of God.  Only those who have serious determination to be numbered among the “Overcomers” will give themselves to such study.  We are not in a realm of “instant potatoes.”  What is written here requires dutiful study, and in that, hours of time before God.  This is not for those who love fun and games, of being entertained and thrilled with supposed revelations.  I am NOT here to “entertain you”!

All true doctrine is profitable, but the profit of it lies in knowing the Plan of God, and His purpose for your life in that plan.  The enemy will allow you you to know EVERYTHING, even sound doctrine, as long as they can keep you from knowing the True Plan and Purpose of God on this earth.  If you desire to overcome rather than be overcome, then you MUST understand what is written here.  This is no simple task, but will demand much time in study, and contemplation before God.

In my mind, this is one of the most important subjects concerning the End Time.  It goes hand in glove with the articles concerning The Overcomers.  It is this Spirit that MUST be Overcome to obtain the right to come into the absolute and TRUE authority of God, the Name above ALL Names, and with that Authority, “smash the nations with a rod of iron as clay pots.”  Most of what we see today that is advertised as being the use of God’s Authority to build our own kingdom’s, comfort zones, is total wickedness, and wickedness seduced into by this spirit.  It is an abomination before God.

Every time over the past year that I have looked at the one “Jezebel” article I had on my web site, I  grieved.  Even though it carried great importance, it was in my mind just oh so shallow, and not to the point. 

I had a three part series on tape concerning Jezebel that I made fifteen years ago.  When I taught this, I knew it was really not for then, but was doing the teaching for sometime in the future.  Since the Terrorist Attack, I have known that we have entered a new time of history, and it was time to begin the war with this spirit.

There was no way for me to sit down, listen to the tape, and get it entered into my computer.  My shoulders drooped even to think about the labor involved.  Yet I knew it should be done.  I left it in God’s hands, and figured the way to do it would come at the right time.

A few months back, from out of the blue, a woman, Tambra Sabatini, e-mailed me and said she thought God had moved her to offer  me to type up any dictation that I may have on tape.  She said this was a part of her occupation, and that she was quite adept at doing such.

 It took me several hours to catch up with what was happening.  I couldn’t believe my eyes.  I e-mailed her back, told her of what I had, the war zone it would put her in, and how much I have that would mean hours of work.  I gave her the opportunity to back out.  She didn’t!!!  But, insisted that I send it to her. Now I see how it came at God’s “Appointed Time.”

I mention this for Tambra deserves my public acknowledgement, and great thanks.  I would not have been able to publish this one without her wonderful labor.

Even with the transcripts, the publishing of these articles will take some time.  I will publish each section as it is finished.  What is here today will be added to in the coming days, so keep checking back for continuing articles.  The Overcomers will overcome this spirit, and in that, turn on her until she is destroyed from the earth.

Some may think it appears repetitive in some cases.  I will have to do much editing as I finish this project, which is a book in length.  However, I have found that some things must be repeated to get it through our thick skulls.  Therefore, be patient, and let God deal with you through these articles.


These Lessons are NOT for the “Normal Christian”, OR THE GLITTER TOOTH SWEETIE PIES.  They are for “Men of Valor”.  Those who have been called to be a part of God’s Army, His War Party, that is greatly called in this End Time.  These are men called to the Throne, the Holy of Holies in the Temple of God.  Only they will be able to understand what is being said.  The rest are too carnal, can only see things backwards, have never had their “veil rent”, and therefore found wanting.

(NOTE:  Please understand ladies that I am not setting you on the sideline.  This cannot be done without you.  I just know that the men must come into this before we shall see any success, and therefore am keying in on them.  The “Mantle” of the Restored Kingdom Mandate is upon BOTH Adam AND Eve, and I am well aware of it.)

Satan is The Deceiver of the WHOLE EARTH.  The Spirit of Jezebel counterfeits the Spirit of God, and seduces us into Satan’s Deceptions.  “She” is holding us captive by those seductions, and once you see this one, you will understand just how strong are her seductions.  This, my friends, is what is causing “THE STRONG DELUSION”!!!

We are in captivity to “her” BABYLON. We are being told to GET OUT OF HER, or we will receive the same judgments that are falling upon “her”.  We will fight all of hell in doing so.  In the overcoming of this one, we will be given the right to SMASH THE NATIONS AS CLAY POTS WITH A ROD OF IRON!!!

In Rev 12 we read . . .”and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.  And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron:

Anyone called to be a member of this “Man Child“, will suffer this war zone.  Few have any idea that it even exists.  Those that do wish they didn’t.  Why does this war to devour take place???  Because this birthing forth signals to Satan, Jezebel, and ALL of the Kingdom of Darkness, that they are about to be destroyed.  It is my position, as some of you well know, that it is these that are the Overcomers, and in the overcoming, bring forth the KINGDOM, the defeat of Satan won at the cross, and the casting of Satan out of heaven as a result.   

Where else does this “with a rod of iron” appear in scripture???.  How about Rev. chapter 2 . . ., and herein lies a great mystery being opened unto us.

And he that overcometh (Jezebel and her seductions), and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:  And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

The “Counterfeit” of the worship of God is directly tied to the Worship of Baal.  We have two “Gods” at war with each other.  One is God, the other Satan.  Each one has a seed line on this earth, and each one has declared they will win this war through their seed line.  Therefore we have followers of each one, and these followers worship their “God”.  We have the worship of God, and then the “Counterfeit” of that worship, the WORSHIP OF BAAL!  Many of God’s seed line have been seduced by Jezebel, are trapped in the “Worship of Baal”, and do not realize what they are doing.  It is my intent to reveal who is behind this Baal Worship, and what is involved with it.

This is a vast subject.  It will take a number of lessons to even begin the opening of this one.  To get the entire picture, you will have to read ALL of the lessons involved with this Course.  What I say in Lesson One may not be as clear as what it will be when you have read all of the Lessons published.

In the “Worship of Baal”, there are TWO Key Figures.  Baal, or Satan, and . . . The Queen of Heaven.  This “Queen of Heaven” is one of the two highest rulers in the spirit realm, yet few know anything about this individual.   Although worshipped openly through statues and images, this spirit has kept itself hidden, for the exposing of this one will bring down the entire Kingdom of Darkness.   This IS The SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL!!!   Mystery means, “hidden secret”, and what a hidden secret  we have in this subject.

As we have seen briefly by the scripture listed above, the “Man child” gets the ROD OF IRON, and now these who overcome Jezebel get the same ROD OF IRON.  Let me give just a few statements by God out of His Letter to Thyatira to give an emphasis.  I will cover them more thoroughly as we go along in these lessons.

because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.  

I will throw her and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation 

and  all the churches shall know

 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:  

 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.  

We see some very key issues in these few lines.  Jezebel calls herself a prophetess, teaches and SEDUCES unto fornication, which IS the eating of things sacrificed unto idols.  This is the eating of lies that appear to be Truth, and in that eating, become worshippers and followers of of Baal, of Satan, while thinking deceivably that they are worshipping and following God.

Those that stay one with her will be thrown into THE GREAT TRIBULATION.  

There is something that ALL the Churches are to learn from this.  In no other letter to the Churches or Ekklesia, does it say that ALL of them will get a message out of this one.

Those that overcome this Spirit, are given a GREAT RIGHT!  What is that right?  The SAME AUTHORITY that God gave to Jesus when He raised Him up to His Right Hand, and in that authority is THE RIGHT to smash the nations as clay pots.

This all sounds pretty important to me.  How about you?  The overcoming of Jezebel must be of extreme importance, or why else would these overcomers be given this right???  Is it a right given to everyone???  No, just to those that Overcome “Jezebel”.  And where else in the Word is this prophesied to come to pass???  To the Man Child, and therefore this Man Child MUST overcome Jezebel to receive this right.

Will Jesus do this smashing of the rebellious nations when He returns as most preach, or WILL THE OVERCOMERS be given the RIGHT to do it, EVEN as God gave unto Jesus???  Read and learn.  

If it isn’t Jesus that does it, but the OVERCOMERS that do it after overcoming Jezebel, then shouldn’t we be made aware of this???  Why haven’t we been made aware???  Because Jezebel’s Priests of Baal have PROGRAMMED US to believe otherwise.  And, wouldn’t those that are worshipping Baal do just that???  These are NOT out to destroy Jezebel’s Babylon, but are being made one with her, and all of HER INTENTS!!!  The deluded have become soul tied to her through their fallen ego’s pride.  This soul tie, in and under the power of deceiving spirits, will NOT let them go.  But for a miracle of God in their lives, as even in our own, they are doomed.

Find the “minister” that even knows who Jezebel is, let alone that we are to overcome her.  Most certainly DO NOT KNOW!!!  What happens to those that DO NOT KNOW how to overcome Jezebel???  They will be thrown into THE GREAT TRIBULATION!!!  Why???  Because, instead of Preaching for the one who died for them, they have capitulated unto the enemy, and in doing so, are committing HIGH TREASON by preaching that which causes the people to deceivably WORSHIP BAAL!!!

Why is it considered by God to be such an accomplishment to overcome Jezebel that the ones who do so are given the RIGHT to smash the nations with a ROD OF IRON as clay pots???  Because she IS The Mystery Woman who rules Babylon, The Great Whore, and it is this Great Whore who rules over THE KINGS OF THE EARTH.  She IS the High Ruler in the Spirit realm of the Kingdom of Darkness. 

As you will see, this spirit, which is denoted to be in the female role, even exercises control of Satan!!!  This we will learn more about when we get into the story of Ahab and Jezebel.  Satan being referred to as a “HE” is not because of gender, but because of the headship role he is playing.  Jezebel is referred to as a “SHE”, for this spirit is suppose to be in submission to Satan, but in fact rules over him.

I will show you a “Great Mystery”, an incredible hidden secret, as it is this spirit that seduced Satan into thinking he could overthrow God.  When he finally comes to the realization of what “she” has done to him, he will turn on “her” and DESTROY “HER”, by DESTROYING “HER” EARTHLY KINGDOM OF BABYLON!!!  Overcome, defeat the one who rules over the Kings of the earth and by that even over Satan, and that Kingdom IS FINISHED!

Are you getting the picture???

Jezebel’s Authority Over This Nation


The Book of Revelation in chapters 17 & 18, tell us there are to be certain head powers that will be ruling the Kingdom of Darkness, the anti-Christ Beast System, on this earth in the end times.  These powers are listed as:

  1. “The Red Beast”, 
  2. The “Mystery woman called “Babylon The Great”, 
  3. and Ten Kings.  

The RED Beast, and Babylon The Great are the two end time super powers, and the ten kings are the ones who rule over everything from behind the scenes.  These ten are called “The Learned Elders of Zion” by the Edomites who are being used by Satan to bring forth his domination of the earth.  These ten are in direct contact with Satan, and are steeped in the occultic powers which they exercise over the earth.  

Over all of this earthly realm of Satanic Power is a hierarchy of ruling evil spirits who work to control what is happening on this earth from the realm of spirit.  There is not one nation that does not have one of these high rulers set in place over it.  Discover the devil that is ruling over a nation, and you will then understand why that nation behaves as it does.  Who then is over this nation???  This is quite easily seen when you understand how The Spirit of Jezebel operates, and for what purpose “she” works toward.  Our nation shows forth EVERY ATTRIBUTE of this Spirit, and yet few seem to recognize it.

The Queen of Heaven, this “Spirit of Jezebel”, has been enthroned to rule over this nation by its leaders, and that from almost its very inception.  The STATUE OF LIBERTY attests to this LOUD AND CLEAR for all to see, and was purposefully erected in honor and worship of her.  That is, it is clear to see if one has eyes to see.  She proudly stands proclaiming “Liberty for All” while she fully intends to enslave the entire world.

The very wickedness present in this nation, whether in the politicians, the pulpits, or in the general population, verifies this with VALIDITY!!!  And, in no other nation, religion, or people, is it so validated.  It is in fact only THIS NATION that validates EVERY ear mark of this “Great Whore”.  The further you get into this study, the more you will see this is so. The very reason our so called “Christian Churches” have become cesspools of lies, is because of this very fact.  And, through television, and evangelistic “Serpent Ministries”, we are corrupting the entire earth with those lies.  This is the Spirit that seduces even God’s servants to eat false doctrine, and obviously, this seduction is no small matter.  This seduction has caused God’s people to become an abominable whore.  Only those that “come out of her” WILL BE SAVED in this day, and I do not care what their lips say.  Honoring Jesus with our lips when our heart is far from Him, The Living Truth, WILL NOT WORK!!!  Hear me well.

(Yes, I am very much aware of who others say is this “Babylon The Great”, and do recognize their historical logics.  I am also much aware of the influence of the Catholic Church, The Pope, The Black Pope, the United Nations, and all of the evil organizations involved with the “Illuminati”.

And yes, the statues of Mary have been erected in worship of the “Queen of Heaven”, this Spirit of Jezebel.  I have just seen how all of this is “The Magicians” sleight of hand distraction from what the Truth is, and who is really bringing forth the New Word Order.  

And yes, these other “powers” do have their part, but they could never accomplish their desires without the authority of the United States on the world scene, an authority that was granted by The Prophetic Word unto Ephraim.  Even as Jezebel seduced Ahab to gain control of the final authority on this earth in that day,  so has “she” done in this day.  For further validation of this Authority, see the Articles, So Who Is The House of Israel“, and The Coming Destruction of The United States.  These fit hand in glove with this one.

Certainly The United Nations will play a prominent role in this last day.  What must be understood is that God is holding us responsible for not only its creation, but for everything it does.  Our leaders created the United Nations, and without our money it would have dried up a long time ago.  It is present on our soil, and therefore under our responsibility before God for its presence on the world scene.  If ANY of our leaders were actually Christians, this would never have been allowed to take place, and would be destroyed immediately by any true follower of Jesus.  It has been allowed, and continually allowed, for our leaders are in submission to the Edomites who RULE THIS NATION from behind the scenes.  There is NOT ONE Politician in Washington that is NOT working for the New Word Order.  If there was, they would be eliminated without hesitation.

This nation’s leaders are determined to bring forth the anti-Christ New World Order.  Why is this so???  Because “Jezebel” rules here, and “she” has good reason for seducing the world through “her” conniving manipulations into this end time Global Government.  By enthroning Satan, and the Son of Lucifer, over this earth, “she” is the real one that will be ruling.  As it clearly states in Revelation, Babylon the Great is the super power that “REIGNS OVER THE KINGS OF THE EARTH”.  Without this nation’s authority, the anti-Christ could NEVER COME INTO POWER.)

If we only view events on this earth through our natural eyes, our natural mind, we will NEVER understand correctly what is taking place on this earth.  Matters MUST be seen through spiritual understanding.  One key subject concerns that every nation has a Kingdom of Darkness Spirit ruling over it, even as Paul describes in Eph 6:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,

These Rulers of Darkness, although working toward the same goal, are NOT working in concert with each other in unity, but in competition, each seeking to be the ruler of the earth.  As Jesus said, “A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand“, and this is why he said it.  

This is why there are so many wars, and rumors of wars throughout this world.  The spirits that rule over each nation are vying for position in Satan’s Kingdom of Darkness, and in some cases, to even overthrow Satan’s throne and replace it with their own.  Since they can only work evil continually, they craftily devise plans even against each other.  This is verified by what we see taking place in the natural.  Everything begins in the Spirit, and then manifests on this earth, even as it should be with God’s people.

When this particular “Spirit of Jezebel”, this High Ruler in the Kingdom of Darkness is understood, it is then easily discerned that “she” is ruling this nation.  Everyone of “her” attributes are working not only in this nation, but corrupting the entire earth with those workings from out of this nation.  Everything of the Whore of Babylon in Revelation is her workings, and everyone of them is being worked in our land, and from our land.  This “Mystery Woman” is none other than this “Queen of Heaven”, “The Spirit of Jezebel”, the POWERFUL “Mystery woman” of Revelation.

I am very prone to repeating myself with rhetoric found in other articles.  I am attempting to not do that in this one.  There is much in the page, “The Coming Destruction of the United States“, that verifies we are Babylon of Revelation.  Please read that one for clarification, as I am going to make this page as brief as possible.  I am laying ground work in these first few pages for what I am getting ready to unfold in later ones.  In getting the full realization that The United States is the End Time Babylon The Great, it is then easily seen who the Spirit is that presides over us.

And THE WOMAN which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

This Mystery Woman is reigning over the entire earth’s rulers.  In order to reign over the Kings of the earth, the ruler must have the military might, and control of the World’s Monetary systems.  It must be a WEALTHY, powerful Throne from which to rule.  Which nation is it that has the strongest military power, and controls the earth’s monetary systems???  The one that does will have the authority to force the world into “The Mark of The Beast” buying and selling system, and that is exactly what this nation is preparing to do.

(NOTE: The story of Ahab and Jezebel reveals much concerning this spirit.  A series is being worked on that will shed much light on that which is being said here.  I will get it published as soon as it is possible to do so.  In the meantime, I give this brief  treatise in preparation for what shall be said in that series of teachings.)

To give another pertinent example of a Ruler of Darkness, there is a “Spirit of Allah”  which rules over the entire fanatical Muslim / Moslem Realm.  This spirit is conspiring to raise its throne over “Jezebels Throne”, and thus over Satan’s, even as Satan is conspiring to raise his throne above God’s.  This conspiring results in WARS on this earth, and we are about to see a great one concerning this behind the scenes scheming.  The “Spirit of Jezebel” will not tolerate such rebellion to “her” determination to rule the earth and bring it into submission to the “Son of Lucifer”, the head of the “Seed of the Serpent”, which is destined to rule from Jerusalem.  

The spirit behind the powerful fanatical Muslims is crafty indeed, whose workings are witnessed in the conniving of the Terrorists.  This is a horrific problem for the NWO, for this religious realm will NEVER submit to it.  They are determined to RULE THE EARTH, and certainly NOT to submit unto another ruler.  The result will eventually be an all out war that will leave millions dead, and great destruction in a number of nations.  “Jezebel” cannot afford to have this threat to her Kingdom, or “her” goals.  “She” has no choice but to go forth in wrath to eliminate this rebellion to “her” authority.

The “Muslim Spirit” knows full well what he is dealing with, and certainly the “Wrath of Jezebel”.  She is greatly incensed by this rebellion to her authority, and has set herself to eliminate it.  The Spirit of Allah cannot just walk away and wait for that wrath to fall upon his henchmen.  He must act, and act now, to bring Jezebel’s Throne down, or he will lose like big time.  Thus the wars and rumors of war grow in their intensity.

Remember now, one of Jezebel’s main attributes is the Art of Seduction, even as she used our nations leaders to seduce Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor.  She seduces one to act in a certain way so that she can bring her wrath down upon them.  This is done to further the enthroning of Satan over the earth.  This is clearly seen in the story of Ahab, Jezebel, Naboth, and his vineyard.

God has removed His hand of protection from this Harlot Nation so that this battle can be fought.  The destruction of the World Trade Towers was ONLY the FIRST ATTACK!!!  This is why I say there is MORE ON THE WAY, and I dare not even think of what that might be.  These Terrorists care not what they use to “Kill Americans”, even as the Devils care not what pain and suffering they inflict upon the world’s population, as long as they seemingly gain their goal of position in the Kingdom of Darkness.

It would not surprise me if a nuclear incident happened somewhere in this nation, and for this reason.  Jezebel intends to use nuclear weapons upon the Moslem World, and she needs excuse for doing so which would bring the minds of the people into harmony with her.  It would not matter who actually caused the nuclear incident, for she would be behind it, either by direct control of our own nations leaders, or by seduction upon the Moslem Terrorists.  

(And yes, our leaders ARE quite capable of causing a nuclear incident that would probably kill hundreds of thousands, so they could then blame it on the Moslem fanatics.)

The war between these two spirits is going to bring forth some horrific events with terrible consequences, but Jezebel will win this particular conflict to bring the earth into absolute submission to Satan, and his Son of Lucifer, the anti-Christ.

We are a nation under JUDGMENT, and have been for some time.  Few would be able to accept a listings of these judgments, for the programming from our pulpits is strong indeed.  We are being programmed to believe that many of the judgments are “The Move of ‘God’ for the good, when in fact are the very things that are destroying this nation.  If I told you of these deadly matters, few would be able to accept them, and most would think I was some kind of nut.  

Take the blinders off and look around.  Is this a nation under “Righteousness, Peace, and Joy” of the Kingdom???  Hardly.  We are filled with the wickedness of the Great Whore, and that wickedness is producing pain and suffering everywhere.  We are reaping from what we have sown, and we are ALL feeling the effects of that reaping!  This Judgment is now coming into plain view, and believe me, the latest events are only the beginning of terror that is coming to this nation.  To escape from this coming upon us, we MUST “Come out of her”, and that by the way we have not before known.  To have that way opened to us, we must constantly pray that we be accounted worthy to escape.

Now, let us take a look at some of the attributes of this “Spirit of Jezebel” to see how she functions. 

to teach and to seduce . . . (and I repeat for emphasis) . . . SEDUCE my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols

When we eat false doctrine, we become one with it, and one with the author of it.  We are certainly NOT becoming one with the Spirit of Truth.  The seduction is so strong, we realize NOT what has even happened to us.

 Jezebel is behind all of the false worship in this nation that is deceiving the whole world into “The Strong Delusion” through it.  She works through her false prophets, her Priests of Baal, her “Serpent Ministries”, to seduce people into idolatry so prevalent in what people call “Christianity”.  Most of you have come to recognize the Pagan Practices that have infiltrated most of the “churches”.  This is the spirit that is behind this activity, and has been working for many years to accomplish what we are now seeing.

How many think that all of the praying, and being brought together round Pagan Altars during the 911 event was a “Move of God”???  I am sorry folks, but this is just not so.  It was Jezebel bringing the people into her idolatrous religion to gain support of the people, to make them one with her and her plans, and in doing so, make them think they are following God.

I might add here, and believe me, I am sorry to say this, but our “Pledging of Allegiance to the Flag“, has become a pledge to support Jezebel, and is ANYTHING BUT PATRIOTIC!!!

Did we see ANY REPENTANCE going on???  No, we saw self-righteous people, who think this nation is a righteous country, and vowing to bring judgment down on those that dared to challenge our nations intents to bring forth the NWO.  Do we really think all of those people are following God, and calling on Him in “Spirit and TRUTH”???  

Do we understand that this spirit SEDUCES even God’s SERVANTS???  Do we understand what we have been called out of???  Do we understand that the One World Church / Religion is being brought together right before our eyes, and being brought together to support the entire anti-Christ Beast System???  To support the workings of Jezebel to bring the world into her submission???  If we are to have sympathy, who is it for???  God and His ways, or JEZEBEL’S?

We saw unrepentive homosexuals, drunks, conniving thieves and liars, baby murderers, and otherwise degenerates  called Congress, standing on the steps singing “God” bless America while judgment is falling on their heads.  What spiritual stupidity. We of all people should understand that all of the religious goings on are nothing more than the WORSHIP OF BAAL!!!  Oh, how seductive it all is.  Did this “SEDUCTION” have an affect upon you???

and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation

Are you seeing why we must COME OUT OF HER to escape what is coming???  Those that do not do so are going to be cast into receiving the results of experiencing the horror of the “Great Tribulation”.  What we have just witnessed is NOTHING in comparison to what is coming.

And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

Do we understand that Jesus is speaking to those who are suppose to be His followers???  His Ecclesia???  He is not warning the world, but those who are IN one of His “churches“.  And, not just to ONE church, but a message that will go into EVERY “church”.  That means we had all better sit up and take notice of this message.  He is warning us, every believer on the face of this planet!!!

There is not one organization, not one movement present today, that is not suffering from the seductions of Jezebel to eat false doctrine, and in many cases, DAMNING HERESIES.  Eating of this Tree of Death, makes us one with that Tree, and the author of the lies they have been seduced to believe.  If this were not so, then we would not have to go to Zion when it is opened for us to do so, to LEARN THE TRUTH.  We are NOT going to come into the Full knowledge of the Truth until that day.  There will NOT BE even ONE ORGANIZATION OR MOVEMENT that is NOT FILLED WITH LIES until the advent of Zion.  We are NOT going to come into it while residing in Babylon, and that is where we ALL are, and it matters not how sincerely we are wanting to follow God, and preach the Truth.  You can howl against my saying such, but if you continue to walk after “The Spirit of Truth”, you will find out that I do know what I am talking about.  The more you walk after Him, the more deceptions you will discover, and the more you discover, the more you will see in this regard, and the more you will discern what is only the carnal works of men with personal agendas who hide behind a facade of  “righteousness”, claiming great callings and work.

If we remain in “her”, then we are to be considered “her children”, even as true believers should be considered as children of God.  How many of her “children” DIED in the 911 catastrophe, and how many of them were “Professing Christians”???  Did we get the message???  

The destruction of the World Trade Towers was a clear message to ALL OF THE CHURCHES (ekklesia), to COME OUT OF HER!!!  Come out of her, or receive her plagues.  It is really very simple folks.  I do not understand why people have such a hard time comprehending this.  None of us have completed this “coming out”, and to get out, we MUST pray as Jesus commanded us to pray so that we can escape that which is coming.  Right now, we are ALL IN JEOPARDY.  If you do not believe that one, stick around.  It will not be long before you do.

Just as Elijah did war with Jezebel in his day, so will it be with the “Elijah Company” of this day.  Jezebel HATES the ones called into this company of people.  She is out to kill the “Spirit of Elijah”.  Anyone called into the overcoming will do war with this one, as she works so subtly to kill faith, and do so through people who lend their selves to her use.  Those that do overcome will be given the right to smash the nations as clay pots during the events “at the end”.  

We must face the fact that it will not be the world at large that will come against those who are “coming out”, but the Jezebel inspired “Counterfeit Christianity”.  She is the head of the end time “Murder Incorporated”.  Listen up folks.  Persecution of the True Believers is on the way, and it will be ferocious.  Anyone in submission to Jezebel, and especially the “Priests of Baal”, will do everything in their power to destroy these people, and make them of no effect.  How quickly I discern such activity in a person, and in turn, how quickly I throw it down and trample upon it within before it takes any negative affect in my psyche upon me.  All Overcomers will do the same in the days ahead.

This spirit WILL NOT REPENT, and neither will those that have given themselves to her.  She rules through a determination to dominate, and dominate through seduction TO HER LIES; Through threats; intimidation; manipulation; condemnation through false sense of guilt; crushing; tormenting; discouragement; depressions; trying to defeat faith; economics; steals the tithe inheritance and gives it to her submissive Priests; the blaming of others; twisting the Truth into a lie; control through carnal power; making people dependent upon her; sympathy for her; insolent insults; and a host of others, all designed to gain control over us.  

EVERYONE who is an Overcomer and called to Come out of her, will feel these effects and feel them STRONGLY.  Most will not even realize why they have been affected as they have been.  This is a serious enemy of our souls, and will stop at nothing to immobilize us, or to eliminate us from the battle field.  I know of those that think they are Overcomers, and the fact is, it is THEY that have been OVERCOME!!!  And in being overcome, will NOT REPENT to walk into this Light so that they can come out of the delusion they are in.  This is what boggles my mind. 

We are in a very serious day folks.  Are we getting the message???  Are we overcoming Jezebel and her seductions???  What happens if we do not do so???  What happens if we DO overcome???

And he that overcometh (Jezebel), and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:  And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.   And I will give him the morning star.   He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Revelation shows us clearly that the time is coming when Satan will finally wake up to what this Spirit of Jezebel has gotten him into.  When this takes place, he will realize that he has HAD IT, and will turn on Jezebel to destroy her by destroying her earthly throne.

And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; 

and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,  Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.

Satan, and his ten kings, along with his “son” while in their wrath with her, will DESTROY Jezebel’s Throne by DESTROYING THIS NATION, and do so with a massive nuclear attack!!!  This will be brought to pass during the “END TIME EVENTS” by the Overcomers who have Manifested as Sons of God, and by their overcoming of this “Spirit of Jezebel”, be given the right of Jesus to smash the nations as clay pots with a rod of iron.  They will cause this to take place by “The Word of Their Testimony“, as they confess the Word in Faith, loosing the judgments WRITTEN.

Jezebel and her end time False Prophet


This will be a DEVASTATING revelation for some.  It will upset most people’s neatly arranged Prophetic Fruit Baskets.  Why do I say that?  Because the False Prophet will be working his miracles and seductive reasoning’s by the Power of The Spirit of Jezebel, and from this nation as its PRESIDENT!!!  You will understand more about how Jezebel counterfeits the “Gifts of the Spirit” in the article, “Jezebel versus the Spirit of God”.  I can tell you this much here.  The seduction of Jezebel IS STRONG, and most would swear that her witchcraft being exercised in “churches” is the power of God in action.

The End Time Great Harlot Super Power IS the United States, and not only does scripture thoroughly prove this, but so does every action taken by our leaders.  That is besides the filth that is in this nation, and being spread the world over by our politicians and pulpits that clearly identifies us as the one who “corrupts the entire earth with those abominations”.  

Once you understand that, you will then come into the understanding that the False Prophet rules from his position as the earthly head of this Whore.  As you will learn, that one is dramatically clear in the Word.  You tell me, if it is not as President of this nation, then what is that earthly headship?  

In Revelation 22, we are warned by the King Himself:  18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

It is serious business when we give an exegesis from out of the Book of Revelation.  I DO take this warning SERIOUSLY.

I first wrote the article below in 1989, a very special year for me in the opening of mysteries of the Word.  I had spent nineteen years of intense seeking of God for the Truth, and I was suddenly seeing things that totally captivated me.  It was as though a veil had been lifted, and I was seeing a huge mosaic concerning the Prophetic Word.  I spent six months trying to write what I was seeing.  This article is a part of what I saw.

When we receive revelation of the Word, we ourselves can still get involved with inserting our own thinking.  I therefore, with the Strong Warning above being clearly in mind, do not claim this to be a pure word.  However, as I have watched matters coming to pass, they seem to verify this particular insight.  We have arrived at a very serious time of history folks, and I think that it is high time I WARNED EVERYONE concerning this “False Prophet”, what he shall do, and from where he shall rule.  Most of you have become quite aware of how wicked our nations leaders are, and their intents.  You haven’t seen ANYTHING YET!!!  The concentration camps, furnished with mechanized guillotines, have not been built and set in place for nothing.

Neither is the “Unholy Alliance” between Jezebel’s Counterfeit Christianity, and her world government coming about by accident, or increasing its rate of speed naturally.  It is spirit empowered.  We are already seeing the President being labeled as the leader of the “Christian Coalition”, when in fact, he is a Satan Worshipper, and working to bring forth the end time Satanic NWO.

In Revelation 19, we read:  20  And the Beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Here we are given two individuals, and their fate.  The “beast” is the one we have called the “anti-Christ”.  The other is “The False Prophet”.  He is the one who deceives those that would not hear the Truth.  They end up by being cast ALIVE into the “Lake of Fire”.  This IS an eternal judgment, and NOT a “purifying fire”.  There IS a purifying fire, but it is only afforded to those that will submit to it.  These two would never do so, and therefore God would never so bless them.

I would also like to point out that these are TWO INDIVIDUALS.  They are NOT nations, or companies of people.  And, neither one of them IS SATAN himself.  These are “cast into the Lake of Fire” upon Jesus return.  This is when Satan will be “bound for a thousand years“, and NOT when he is cast into the Lake of Fire.  Do NOT let men mix up your minds with erroneous prophesying.  

Can we identify this “False Prophet” anywhere else in the Book of Revelation?  Oh yes we can.


Let us read in Rev. 14:  “And I beheld another BEAST coming up out OF THE EARTH; and he had TWO HORNS like a lamb, and he SPAKE AS A DRAGON. And he exerciseth ALL THE POWER of the first beast BEFORE him [the anti-Christ beast / head],  

and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to WORSHIP the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed

And he doeth great wonders, so that he MAKETH FIRE COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN ON THE EARTH by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the SIGHT of the beast

saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they SHOULD make an image to the beast, which had the WOUND BY THE SWORD, and DID LIVE. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would NOT WORSHIP the image of the beast SHOULD BE KILLED

And he causeth ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to RECEIVE A MARK in their right hand, or in their foreheads; And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”  

There is so much in this particular scripture that I will have to fight to contain myself to the point at hand.

Here again we have two individuals.  One is whom we have called the “anti-Christ” (whom the “Seed of The Serpent” on this earth calls the “Son of Lucifer”) and the other is “another BEAST coming up out OF THE EARTH; and he had TWO HORNS like a lamb“. 

Let me clarify for you that the latter individual is also The “False Prophet”. By verses 13 and 14, we see he deceives people with the “miracles” he works. In verse 16, we see it is also this individual that causes all those that will, to take the “mark” for buying and selling. As we read in Rev 19:10:

            “And the beast [anti-Christ] was taken, and with him the FALSE PROPHET that wrought MIRACLES before him, with which he DECEIVED them that had RECEIVED THE MARK of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These BOTH were cast ALIVE into a Lake of Fire burning with brimstone.

In chapter 13, the one who deceives through miracles, and causes all to take the mark is called a “beast who has two horns like a lamb”. In Rev 19, this same person is there identified as the “FALSE PROPHET”. These two descriptions are describing the same individual.

The anti-Christ and the False Prophet are the two SUPER WORLD RULERS of the end time, and are Satan’s COUNTERFEIT TWO WITNESSES of God’s two TRUE Prophets (Rev 11). Satan will be using these two counterfeits to bring forth his counterfeit kingdom, while God will be using His two witnesses to bring forth His Kingdom. Because of the delusion, the carnal minded will believe the counterfeits are the “good guys” and that the true ones are the “bad guys”. Just exactly opposite of the truth, naturally.

Now that we have identified this “BEAST from OUT OF THE EARTH with two horns like a lamb” as the “False Prophet” of the last days, let us draw up a profile of him from the above Rev 13:11-18 scriptures. 

He has two horns like a lamb. What is meant by this? The horns being “like a lamb”, and not of a full grown ram means they have just sprouted. They are horns that have been newly acquired. It does not say he himself IS a lamb, but that his HORNS resemble, are LIKE those of a lamb. 

Horns in scripture, like mountains, mean authority. This indicates to us that even though he will be an end day Super Ruler, his authority will be newly acquired authority. In turn then, we can presume even though he may be popular, or well known during his rising, he probably will not have held any positions of great or world authority prior to his taking office as the False Prophet.

Why is it two horns of a lamb? Why not two horns of a deer, or a goat? Jesus is THE Lamb (Rev 17:14). The fact the False Prophet has two horns like a LAMB is not just a coincidental matter. Jesus has authority in two realms. He is PRIEST and KING, and this is what the two horns represent. Religious and political, or governmental authority. So, not only will this False Prophet have political authority in the world just like the “anti-Christ” before him, but he will have religious authority as well. 

Now, his authority will be newly acquired, but his activity in the political and religious arenas may not be. He must be doing something during his rising to prepare for the position of the false prophet. 

Then we have the statement, “he spake as a dragon“. Whether by Rev 12:9, or by Dr. Strong’s concordance, the term “dragon” is somewhat synonymous with the Biblical title, “Serpent”. This False Prophet Beast that rises from out of the earth will speak as a dragon, or maybe it could be said, like the Serpent spoke with EVE. It is the exact same pattern, only this time “Eve” is THE CHURCH (ekklesia).

Jesus is the second and LAST ADAM (1st Cor 15:45). This spiritually places the Church, the “Bride of Christ”, into the position of Eve. This False Prophet will speak as the Serpent did to deceive not just the world, but the very Church herself. As Jesus said, “If it were possible, even the elect would be deceived“. 

In Gen 3:1, we read: “Now the Serpent was MORE subtle than ANY [other] BEAST (living soul) of the EARTH“. The Serpent was the NON-Adamic beast or living creature (soul), that Satan used to “beguile” (meaning to seduce) Eve, and he was the MOST CUNNING and CRAFTY of all the non-Adamic living souls of the earth. The wordings of these scriptures, and the intents of these two “False Prophet” beasts or living souls, is too similar to ignore, particularly when we are in the day of the RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS!  There was one at the beginning, and now one at the end.

Like the Serpent did with Eve, this last day False Prophet will probably quote the Word of God, but with subtle twisting. What he says will seem to be of God, and unless you know the true Word, you would not know that what he is saying is in direct conflict. How much of this are we already seeing in our pulpits which is the precursor, and preparation for, the False Prophet and what He shall have to say.  

He will appear to be a good and sincere individual, “like a lamb”. But, what he says will with discernment, give away his true motives. He will be hostile to the truth, and will be most determined to deceive Eve (the Church) into a terrible deception. Those that will not succumb to his lies and demands, he will thoroughly enjoy executing.

Verse 12 says: “And he exerciseth ALL THE POWER of the first beast BEFORE him“. The one before him is the anti-Messiah. Since he exercises ALL the power of the FIRST beast, which is the anti-Messiah who shall have authority over the entire anti-Messiah world, he then must also of necessity have a similar position of power that gives him world authority.

He is both political and religious, appears to be quite righteous or Messiah like; speaks with great cunning deception that could deceive the very elect; and has a position of great world authority. 

And, does he not call fire down from heaven???   Could this “fire” be nuclear weapons???

He is to deceive the world by working miracles (possibly not real miracles, but lying wonders), and by WHAT HE SAYS. Therefore he will be very charismatic, believable, and most persuasive. He probably will be the greatest “people motivator” with his speeches that we have seen in a long time.  

He is going to work “miracles”, and in working them, deceive people into thinking he works by the power of God.  He will receive his power to work miracles from the spirit of Jezebel who counterfeits God’s Gifts of The spirit.  This is her WORLD RULING False Prophet.  It is he that will even cause the anti-Christ to rise into position.  As you will see, this is also true in the case of “Babylon”.  Therefore this False Prophet will be the end time ruler of Babylon.

It is this “False Prophet” that causes, “all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark“.  Obviously, to be able to do this, he must have a position that would give him the authority to accomplish it.  Where might this position be???  Does the Book of Revelation give us a clue???  Oh yes, and even more than a clue.  So, from where will he rule?!

The End Time BABYLON!!!

There is much concerning this “MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH”, that I cannot in this writing go into. The information is voluminous.  

As I stated before, Babylon is a MYSTERY, and a MYSTERY woman. The Bible teaches us that all things originate from the spirit realm. Either from God’s realm, or from Satan’s. Therefore, we can know there is a high ruling spirit over Babylon. All of this ties into the Baal worship of not only a false god (Satan), but also of a GODDESS. A QUEEN OF HEAVEN!  (Jer 44:17-25) In almost every instance of open pagan worship, not only is a male figure or statue worshipped, but also that of a WOMAN! We see the evidence of this in both the New Testament (Acts 19:23-24), as well as the Old Testament. 

We know there are evil spirits in the super natural realm behind these gods, and that they are drawing people into the worshiping of them through their deceptions and these idols. With that kind of knowledge, any person who gives any kind of thought to it, is going to eventually ask, “Well, who is behind the Queen of Heaven worship”? It really becomes interesting when the description of the “Mystery Woman” in Rev 17:2-5, is compared to the description of JEZEBEL, another mysterious woman. In Rev 2:20, we are told that she is the one whom we must overcome to gain the right to smash the nations.  

All of the facets of this Mystery Woman, Babylon, could probably be divided into three parts: (1) Religious  (2) Political  (3) Economic. I shall confine myself at the moment to the political and economic aspects of this great whore.

You might take the time at this point to read Revelation chapters 17 & 18. I will quote from them in part, and will point out some characteristics that I will graphically display, but I will not include all of these chapters here. When you read a book expounding upon scripture, your Bible should be at your right hand to check out the context of EVERY scripture used. To avoid being “led astray” (deceived), it is imperative that you do so with every book you read. People are forever studying man’s books without picking up the Bible to confirm what they are saying. Men know this and cunningly get away with all kinds of error.

We are told by these two chapters that Babylon is full of abominations and fornication. A habitation of devils, the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of EVERY unclean and hateful bird (demons), and ALL wickedness including sorceries. There is nothing that is of sin and iniquity that is not found in her. She has it ALL!

She is a harlot that glorifies self and is full of lust for material abundance and goods, earthly treasure. She has gained the whole world, but has lost her soul!

She is rich and luxurious, and all the merchandisers of the world are dependent upon her.

She looks beautiful on the outside, but on the inside, she is full of corruption.

She is made up of peoples and tongues, gathered out from all the nations of the world.

She sits gloriously in her pride, thinking she is so great and powerful, that she is safe, and will see no sorrow (no judgment from God).

By her looks, her sorceries, and her wealth, she has deceived all the nations into lusting after her, and becoming like her. Through her wealth and economic control, she rules over “ALL the kings of the earth”. She will force the entire world into the “Mark of the Beast” buying and selling system.

The word “GREAT” is used TWELVE TIMES in describing her and verse 18 of chapter 18 shows us that man will declare there has never been as great a “city” as this one. It is not God that calls her a “city” in this scripture, but prophesies that this is what man will call her.  Beyond all doubt, this is the greatest, wealthiest, mightiest economic power this world has ever seen. This more or less describes the Babylonian Super Power, to be present on the earth in the end time.

If we are at the close of this age as so many believe, then according to these chapters as well as some others, this rich; luxurious; full of wickedness harlot; that all the merchandisers of the world are dependent upon; and who reigns over the kings of the earth; must then of necessity be on the world stage TODAY! That being so, then the descriptions we have just been given would quite easily identify her for us, and do it so clearly that it really is unnecessary for me to do it for you. Only ONE NATION will even come close to filling the shoes of this monster.


There were to be two End Time Super Powers.  One is labeled “A Red Beast” which would give the anti-Messiah his power base; and the “Great Whore of Babylon”.  The descriptions of this Great Whore do in fact describe the United States, and describe us perfectly, and, they describe NO ONE ELSE!!! We ARE a wealthy, beautiful country, full of all the ungodliness you can name, and we do sit on the hill of world authority, ruling over all of the kings of the earth. Because of this, the United States is constantly declared to be the greatest nation the earth has ever seen. The study of historical records thoroughly proves the validity of everyone’s claims. There is no question about it, we ARE the greatest nation ever developed on this earth.

This one lone fact verifies that we ARE the end day Babylon, for Babylon is ALSO the greatest political and economic power the earth has ever seen. “What city is like unto THIS great city?” The answer of course is NONE!

The United states, though a nation, has been called a GREAT or SHINING CITY by many men in recent history. Who originated the term, I do not know. Ronald Reagan, in his last State of the Union address on January 25, 1988, in referring to our nation said… “This shining CITY sitting upon a hill, AMERICA”. Mikhail Gorbachev, in his book “Perestroika”, describes us equally… “That shining CITY . . . AMERICA”. The world’s leaders, as well as the merchants, call us that GREAT or shining CITY today, just as the scripture prophesies they will.  And, just like Babylon of scripture, we are full of every ungodly abomination that can be named. In spite of offending many patriotic Americans, I have to say that before God, we are also the most EVIL AND WICKED NATION this earth has ever seen, and are only WORTHY OF HIS JUDGMENTS! These Judgments have already begun, yet people in their pride refuse to acknowledge this fact. 

We haven’t seen anything yet, for we as a nation have not fulfilled all that the scriptures say we will. Our nation in this last day will be guilty of all the blood of the martyrs and all that are slain upon the earth during the great tribulation. Added to that is the bringing forth of the most ungodly thing in scripture, and that is, the “Mark of the Beast”. We are just getting started with our wickedness. Let us read in Rev 14:8:

And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she MADE [notice the control] ALL NATIONS drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.  

Fornication, among its varied meanings defines as spiritual adultery. Depending on someone other than God is a form of worship, and the Bible calls it “fornication”. The time is coming when people are going to have to make a very serious and difficult decision. They will either follow God, depend upon Him and refuse this “mark”, or succumb to the “False Prophet’s” demands and commit this grievous sin of taking the “mark” in order to live.  

In verse 8, which we just read, all the nations are MADE to drink of her fornication. What is this fornication that they are drinking in??? The next verse, Verse 9 tells us.

              “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, if any man WORSHIP THE BEAST and his image, and RECEIVE HIS MARK IN HIS FOREHEAD, OR IN HIS HAND…”

This ultimate in sin, this fornication that Babylon makes all nations commit, is the worshiping of anti-Christ by receiving the “Mark of the Beast”. Do you see it??? What happens to those that do this thing??? Let us read the rest of this verse 9:

             “The same shall drink of the wine of the WRATH OF God, which is poured out WITHOUT MIXTURE [pure wrath of Almighty God]!”

In verse 8, we have “her fornication“, and in verse 9, the “mark of the beast“. The ultimate fornication is the mark of the beast, and that brings the ULTIMATE WRATH of God. The final sin this nation will commit that brings God’s terrible judgment through the “Red Beast’s” massive nuclear attack, is MAKING the whole earth take this mark!

Many Christians are aware that this end day computer “mark of the beast” buying and selling system is being developed already. This is not any startling news. We know we are headed directly towards a cashless society where no one will be able to earn money, or buy and sell, except through this world wide computer system. In order to gain access to this system, a person will be required to have his own personal identification number, and not just on a card. A card can be stolen or lost. Not so if it is placed upon the individual themselves. Rarely does a man lose, or have his hand or forehead stolen, right?

Guess which nation originated the idea for this computer system; developed a personal identification system; and is bringing it to its fruition??? That’s right, the greatest whore of all time . . . THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!

Those that do not accept this mark are scheduled for execution!!! (Rev 13:15) You might think, “Oh, never by this nation”. If you are thinking along this line you do not know what is already going on in this country. You are believing the delusion that men in high places are causing you to see. There are men right now in this nation (as well as the rest of the world), who already have in their minds to accomplish these executions! Do you see why this nation will be guilty of all the martyr’s BLOOD??? (Rev 18:24)   You might also read Pam Schuffert’s articles on the Editorial Page.  Internment and executions are ALREADY TAKING PLACE.


These two chapters describe to us a Babylonian harlot that is full of abominations and fornication’s. The mark of the beast, and the resulting executions are only the culmination of our wickedness. It is the end of our beginning, as we are guilty of a whole lot more. If you understood what all comes under the headings of “abominations” and “fornication’s”, you would be shocked beyond belief. If you think that you are not guilty of any of it, you are WRONG!  We ALL are!  

In Babylon, we have come to the place where we call evil good and good evil, and because we are blind and deceived by our unrighteousness, we do not even realize it. We have come to not only accept what is against God and His Word as a natural and a right way of life, but stand most vehemently against anyone who tries to open our eyes and correct our ways. We have gone after the flesh, the “Tree of Death”, our OWN KNOWLEDGE of what WE think is good and evil, right and wrong. We have refused the “Tree of Life” which is what God says is right and wrong. 

With our own minds, we have created religions (denominations) with all the do’s and don’ts that we like, while giving no heed to what the Living Word really has to say. We have become righteous in our OWN eyes, and guilty before God. We  have brought millions the world over into these religions, and in our twisted thinking, believe God should be grateful to us for doing so. Because of the deceivableness of our unrighteousness, we do not even see it. WE ARE DELUDED!


  II Thes 2:8-12 . . .

            “And then shall that Wicked [one] be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, even him [anti-Christ], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all DECEIVABLENESS OF UNRIGHTEOUSNESS in them that PERISH; because they received NOT THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them STRONG DELUSION that they should believe a lie; that they ALL might be DAMNED who believed NOT the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

If I read these verses correctly, there is to be a strong delusion during the day and coming of anti-Christ. A strong delusion that is SENT BY God as a judgment upon those who DO NOT RECEIVE the love of the truth, and are having pleasure in that unrighteousness. These are BELIEVING A LIE!!! What is a lie? It is that which is opposed to, and opposite of, the truth. It is that which the carnal mind creates. After reading these pages, and can see its validity, then you will also be forced to agree this delusion is HERE NOW! If it is here now, you better identify what it is and get out of it for the consequences of NOT “getting out” are severe! This delusion is right now dragging people into its maturity in the Kingdom of “anti-Christ”. Many people are not going to discover this until it is too late, as the door to the “dwelling places of Zion” will have been shut.

The very foundation of the strong delusion is unrighteousness. This  unrighteousness is involved with NOT receiving the love of the truth, AND, with the believing a lie. A person speaks what he believes and ALL LIARS will have THEIR part in the Lake of Fire (Rev 21:8). Believing and preaching lies is a dangerous matter that results in severe eternal repercussions.

We have seen it is the harlot Super Power Babylon that brings (and is already bringing) forth the “mark of the beast”. It is our FINAL SIN that brings God’s fiery judgment upon our nation. Therefore, how could the False Prophet become ruler of any nation but are own, which is the nation that brings forth the mark? There is no other logical explanation for BOTH being guilty of the same matter. 

In order for the False Prophet to have the power to MAKE everyone world wide to take the mark, he then would have to be head of the economic Babylonian Super Power that rules over the kings of the earth, and also causes all of the world to take this “mark”.  This IS proven to be THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, just by the actions this nation is already taking!!! No matter which direction you look at it from, it all comes out the same.

It is the United States that is the Great Whore of scripture, and THE nation, or Super Power that is controlling the world through economics and military might, and is developing the “mark of the beast” buying and selling system. The further that you read on this site, the more you will understand that we are also a GREAT religious whore, that makes the Catholic Church look pure. Believe me, the United States is a far better base for a False Prophet to work from than any other nation or organization. From every direction, there is only ONE nation that the False Prophet COULD become head of, and do all that he must, and that IS the United States!!! When you put together all that he accomplishes, and all the power of the anti-Messiah before him that he must have to fulfill scripture, you just cannot place him anywhere but in our country. I know it is a tough one to accept, but it is only tough to see because of our national pride and the Strong Delusion.

“Christian” or otherwise, do you see what I am saying? Do you understand our dangerous position??? Are you beginning to see the need for ZION to flee to so that we can escape all of these things? The “One Worlders” that are already on the scene in our nation, are PLANNING TO MURDER US!!! If we do not give up our lives for Zion now, we will sure enough give them up then. 

God is WARNING US to come out of Babylon and go to Zion, while we in our blindness don’t even realize there is any need for us to come out, or from what we should come out.  Indeed, instead of repenting, we are boasting of how great a “Christian” nation that we are, and of how many wonderful works we have done for Him, while stupidly singing, “God Bless America”. All of this when we are becoming the worst nation before God the earth has ever seen.

People are exclaiming that God would never bring judgment down upon us because we have been so “faithful” to Him. What have we done and how have we been faithful??? We have brought forth from out of the same Bible more heretical, cultic, and different religions called “Christianity”, than any other nation, organization, or people the world has ever seen! Everywhere you go, a different Jesus is preached. From this, we have corrupted the entire earth with so much confusion, that no one knows who Jesus REALLY IS anymore. Everyone just joins the denomination, organization, home meeting, or whatever, that seems to best suit their own carnal mind and need. This nation has sent forth more missionaries, teaching more different Jesus’s, than the rest of the world combined in all of history. Now that we have corrupted the earth with this, we are going to KILL THOSE that somehow did miraculously come to the True Messiah, if they do not get into the protected areas. To catch up with all of OUR abominations, the Catholic Church would have to invent a better means of transportation.

Face it people, we have developed into a ROTTEN WHORE who is only worthy of the judgment not only that is coming, but is already upon us. And, our rottenness is only beginning to develop. This nation, “WE THE PEOPLE”, are going to ELECT a betraying Judas as PRESIDENT. He is a hater of Jesus and His True Ekklesia, and will be out to murder ALL of those that will not renounce their Messiah and submit to his demands to join in the One World Religion. 

Our nation, that we exclaim is so great, is NOT doing FOR God, but IS all out AGAINST HIM, and has become a very dreadful enemy of our crucified King’s throne. “We would have healed her, BUT she would NOT BE HEALED“!!! Forsake her, and come out of her dear people, so that you will escape the sure and deserved judgments that are headed our nation’s way.

Because of the Strong Delusion, the True Church (Ekklesia) does not realize they are presently residing in a Counterfeit. Those that do not receive the truth of this, WILL NEVER REALIZE IT!!! When the True Church begins awakening to this, and the separation to Zion begins, the Counterfeits are going to be preaching and believing that the True Believers are the bad guys, and they the Counterfeits, are the good guys. The world having the same carnal mind will BELIEVE THEM, and with hostility to the truth will look at the True “Christians” only as the ENEMIES OF PEACE. Because of their unrighteousness, they will call the True Church EVIL, and the Counterfeit Church as GOOD!!! This activity will be centered in our nation, and through the maturing counterfeit revival will come under the headship of the False Prophet. People will be in this mess, and giving great power to the “anti-Christ”, and STILL NOT REALIZE what they are doing. They will greatly  facilitate the killing of True “Christians”, while thinking they are doing God a service! Now is that a delusion, or is that a delusion???


In Rev 3:10, Godshuwah says, “Because thou hast kept the Word of my patience, I ALSO will keep thee from the HOUR OF TEMPTATION, which shall come upon ALL THE WORLD, to try them that dwell upon the earth“.

Those that are wise and make it into the “Dwelling places of Zion”, will be KEPT from this “hour of temptation“. These are the ones that will be “accounted worthy to escape all these things, and to stand before Christ at His coming” (Luke 21:36); 

by the keeping of the Word of His patience; 

by the “watching and praying”; 

because we are children of “LIGHT” we should NOT BE IGNORANT of the times and the season that we are living in (1st Thes 5:1-6); 

by not letting this time over take us as a snare (Luke 21:35); 

and by receiving the LOVE OF THE TRUTH. 

These are the ones that will OVERCOME THE STRONG DELUSION, see what is really happening on the earth, and then will escape it by forsaking ALL, and getting their bodies into these protected places prepared by God (Rev 12). After this opportunity is OVER, God will SHUT THE DOOR to these places of protection. Just as in the days of Noah, the day came the door to the “ark of safety” was closed, and CLOSED BY God. So shall it be in this day.

Those left outside of these dwelling places, will then have to go through the GREAT TRIBULATION, the HOUR OF TEMPTATION!!! This is the period of time that is afforded to the saints for the washing of their robes white. Though it will seem a horrendous time, it is actually for their good. In order to reign with Jesus, we must “wash our robes” through trials and tribulation, as ONLY through much tribulation can we enter into the KINGDOM OF God. (Acts 14:22) 

Paul called this the “fellowshipping of his sufferings”. Those that were accounted worthy to escape will have already accomplished this task by the yielding willingly to the path of the cross. They will have given up their lives in the world to find it in Zion. These will have “acknowledged Him in all their ways, so that He will direct their paths”. ALL PATHS of God lead to the cross experiences. If you are not going through cross experiences, or even know what that means, you are NOT following God! Those left outside of Zion, will have to suffer the cross experience, while under great persecution.

Those that do not overcome the delusion BEFORE the great tribulation and have the door to Zion shut in their face, will have to overcome DURING the hour of temptation. The hour of temptation is the time of being tempted to take the “Mark of the Beast” by the False Prophet who will cause you to be KILLED, if you do not take it. This period occurs during the anti-Christ’s three and one half year reign. At that time, all the world shall be tested to see if they can withstand the “evil day”, the evil temptation that shall have a driving force of influence upon the minds of men of incredible magnitude.

Those that take this “Mark” will be committing the same sin that Esau did. Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of RED pottage. The taking of the “mark” will be the act of selling the birthright to rule and reign with Christ. And, it will be done in the same mentality that Esau did, and will also receive the same eternal retribution in the process.

Those that refuse the “mark” will most surely lose their life, be put to death, but they will find it in the Kingdom of God, in life everlasting. We see them in Rev 7:9-17. They are a GREAT MULTITUDE OF PEOPLE that came out of the great tribulation through martyrdom, and are worshiping before the throne of God. They made it, but they came the HARD WAY. Some believe they are going to be “raptured” to heaven before all of this happens. What a terrible surprise they have coming to them, as I shall prove to you a little later. Oh, they may be “raptured” to heaven, but not in the manner they had planned. As one man recently said, “To be absent from the HEAD, is to be present with Lord”.

It is upon the “mark of the beast”, that the toughest decision of all time will be made. By that decision people will decide which kingdom they will submit to and swear allegiance. Two kingdoms will be coming into existence at the same time. The 144,000 witnesses of God, and those that will “escape all these things”, will be bringing forth and establishing God’s Kingdom, and preaching truth. Zion will be restoring truth and light. The two counterfeit witnesses, and those in league with them, will be establishing the counterfeit anti-Christ kingdom, and preaching lies and delusion. In between these two kingdoms will be multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of decision.  

Joel 3:14-17 . . . 14  Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of  God is near in the valley of decision. 15  The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. 16  God also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but God will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. 17  So shall ye know that I am God your Elohim dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more.

There will be two strong movements going on at the same time which will erupt into the final all out spiritual war.  There will be Satan’s Two witnesses along with Counterfeit or Commercialized “Christianity” and their priests of Baal, as opposed to True “Christianity” and the Prophets of God, and both will be saying things that are directly and totally opposite to each other. Not only opposite, but HOSTILE, at WAR with each other. In between these two kingdoms, in the time just before Babylon is destroyed when the sun and moon are darkened and the earth is shaken, there will be multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision during the hour of temptation, trying to figure out who is right. It will be the hardest, most serious decision they will ever make, for that decision will have serious eternal consequential results. The result being where they will spend eternity. Upon the taking or the refusing of the “mark” will that decision be made. At that time, the prophets will preach as Elijah did during the days of the FIRST “Jezebel” and ask, “How long shall ye halt between two opinions???” (I Kings 18:21)

Those that will NOT receive the love of the truth, will remain in the wrong kingdom right to the very bitter stiff-necked end. In spite of all the wickedness that will exist in and all around them, and in spite of the “mark” being administered and people being slaughtered that will not submit to it, they will NOT REPENT, choosing rather to believe what the great False Prophet of the Great Whore has to say. Because they will NOT HEAR THE LAW OF God, they will believe the lie that they are standing in purity and innocence. Babylon will NOT be healed, for a true repenting from the transgressing of God’s Holy Law WILL NOT COME! Their carnal mindedness will not let them believe that the scripture says, SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW!!! (1st John 3:4)

Babylon has changed the truth into a lie through Jezebel’s Priests of Baal, by throwing God’s Holy Law away. In the process, we have become a filthy harlot nation that is full of evil wickedness, abominations and fornication’s. Yet incredibly, still think we are beautiful and righteous, and worthy of great reward from God as we sing, “God Bless America”. 

We have been brought to this position by shepherds that have LED THE SHEEP ASTRAY, into the STRONG DELUSION of Babylon, and certain destruction unless we come to repentance. “WOE unto the SHEPHERDS that have led God’s people astray.”  All they and their followers will be cast into the Lake of Fire to be tormented day and night FOREVER! AMEN!

God’s Kingdom, Zion, is to be established before the great tribulation period begins. From out of Zion, a 144,000 men will go forth as witnesses for Jesus and His Kingdom. They will give up their lives to martyrdom by leaving the protected places to preach this message to all who will hear and refuse the “mark”.  They will be more concerned for the lives of others for eternity than for their own natural life. 

They will preach this gospel of the KINGDOM that must go into all the world before the return of Christ. As the LAW shall go forth from Zion, it is these that will preach the Law of God, and by doing so will expose all of the sins, errors and fornication’s of Babylon. They will be operating under the mantle of Elijah and John the Baptist; preaching repentance; preparing the way for the return of Jesus in this war with Jezebel and Satan.  Most will not believe them, and will hate them with a passion as they will believe the lying delusion of Satan’s anti-Messiah and Jezebel’s False Prophet.

Just as we have seen, Babylon and the False Prophet are both to bring forth the “Mark of the Beast”. These cannot be two separate endeavors, but of necessity must be one and the same.  The only way that the False Prophet COULD do so, would be if he were the head of the NATION that did so. The evidence is conclusive. He WILL BE PRESIDENT at some future time of The UNITED STATES of AMERICA! He will have newly acquired religious and political authority.  This, we will see UNFOLD before our very eyes, for NEITHER this revelation, nor the outcry of all the True Prophets against his election COULD KEEP IT FROM HAPPENING!!! 

Is he President now?  Could be.  Whatever, this False Prophet is to rise from out of no where to become the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!!   

The Spirit of Jezebel is going to raise up her End Time Super World Ruling False Prophet (just as she has done with thousands of other Priests of Baal Serpent Ministries) to rule over her End Time Super World Power, BABYLON THE GREAT!!!  Count on it!

Pray always that you be accounted worthy to escape all of these things.”

For there shall be a day, that the watchmen upon the mount (authority of) Ephraim (which IS The United States) shall cry, Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion unto the Lord our God. 7 For thus saith God; Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief of the nations (and which IS the CHIEF NATION?): publish ye, praise ye, and say, O God, save thy people, the remnant of Israel.

For further proof that the United States is Babylon, see:  Babylon Identity ListBy this list you will see that no other entity could be the end time Babylon!!!  It is certainly NOT the Catholic Church.