The End Time Importance of Truth
The End Time Importance of Truth
By Larry Meguiar
Lesson One
Acts 17:30-31
“And the times of this ignorance God winked at (overlooked); but now commandeth men every where to REPENT; Because he hath APPOINTED A DAY in the which He will JUDGE THE WORLD . . .” |
The day of God winking at, overlooking our ignorance, is coming to an end. A line shall be drawn and the fun loving game playing will be over. It is high time we found out what we need to do in this last day to be “accounted worthy to escape ALL THESE THINGS” that are coming upon the earth. The most important matter, the high priority on our list, should be to come out of all the lies and deceptions that are running rampant over the earth, and into the truth. Those that do NOT do so will be left in the “Strong Delusion”, and the ultimate consequence of such.
Christ IS The Truth. It is HE we want to be IN, and HIM in US. Being filled with mixture of Truth and error is the being in lies, and the having lies in us, and this being IN, and having IN us, LIES, is NOT Christ, but the author of those lies, the COUNTERFEIT Savior. Hear me well. Few understand how contaminated with the errors we all are by that which has been programmed into us by the False Teachers.
I am convinced that we are ALL only in a “Prep-School”, being prepared for the “Coming out of Her” into the full knowledge of the Truth. I believe that we are too hung up with what is happening right now, not realizing that which is coming. It is not so much as to where we are, but to where we are going. We are coming into the “leaving of the wilderness, and the going into the Kingdom”.
We all have a sub-conscious psychological control of our thinking processes, our belief systems, which is convinced we have already arrived at this full knowledge. Most of us do not realize this dysfunction that fights the receiving of new truth is operating not only in everyone, but in even we ourselves. There is an ages old saying of wisdom :
“The capacity of the human mind to resist the intrusion of new knowledge is infinite.“ |
How true it is.
There have been many wonderful insights of The Word opened to us in the last thirty or forty years. I commend all who are trying to spread this Light to others so that they might see. However. we are not in the ultimate “evangelistic move” as of yet. We are only in the PREPARATION of that move. It is quite important that we participate in this preparation, but also to view it in its proper perspective. There is far more to be revealed than what has been revealed. We need to be ready for that revealing, and in the being ready, be ready to change our doctrinal positions, and perspectives, as new Light is revealed unto us. i.e.:
Isa 42:16
And I will bring the blind by a WAY THEY NEW NOT; I will lead them in paths that THEY HAVE NOT KNOWN; I will make darkness LIGHT BEFORE THEM, and CROOKED THINGS STRAIGHT. . . “ |
Not only should we ourselves be ready for correction, but MUST PREPARE THE PEOPLE by telling them we have NOT as yet arrived at the “full knowledge of the Truth“. That we are only on our way, and will be corrected in our doctrines many times over, if we are willing to go to the cross to receive that correction.
I have found that what gives me incentive to do so, is our responsibility before God for what we speak, or write, in His Name. I think we have somewhat lost sight of this responsibility, and the grave consequences of writing, or speaking, that which is NOT Pure Truth. We somehow secretly think that we cannot be wrong in what we preach, and that it is only “THE OTHER GUY” that has been deceived. It is easy to see error in another, but oh so hard to see it in ourselves, because of that which lies in our fallen ego. We need to wise up and see what our position is before God, and the importance of being IN The Truth, and The Truth being IN US.
We read in The Law of God in Duet. 12:32:
“What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt NOT ADD thereto, NOR DIMINISH from it”. |
And then in Rev. 22:18-19:
“For I testify unto EVERY MAN that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If ANY MAN shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. And if ANY MAN shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away HIS part OUT of the BOOK OF LIFE, and OUT of the HOLY CITY, and from the things which are written in this book.” |
Thus we have the Mind of God concerning the touching of His Word incorrectly, and is His mind that is present throughout the Bible. The consequences of teaching something as Truth, that is NOT Truth, or PURE Truth, are GRAVE INDEED!
I do not think that we are taking these warnings seriously enough. Most give their interpretations of scripture with no thought of any consequences for being wrong. This is especially so when it comes to prophecy, and certainly with the Book of Revelation. We need to wake up on this issue.
I have become convinced of two matters :
One, it is impossible at this time for us to become one in doctrinal position. We are still too diverse in our belief systems. We have a long way to go to come into this unity. Where we disagree today, we will agree in time to come, and that NOT by compromising what we know to be True, but by coming into the Pure Truth.
Two, that our unity must NOT be in doctrine, but in FORGIVING LOVE , one for another, even as Christ prayed and desired for us. This is FAR MORE important at this time for us who want to “come out of her”, than our doctrinal differences. What we believe today can change by tomorrow. How many times has this happened for you as Christ has been drawing you out? Probably as much as with me. It is the same for every person who is answering the call. Therefore, we will not be in the unity of doctrine until the “coming out” has been totally accomplished in us.
We also need to realize that each of us has only a PART of the message that is to be given out to the Body of Christ in the coming days. There will be no one man bands, or isolated movements in the last great move of God. None of us are an island unto ourselves. In this are two important matters. One, we need to stick to the subjects that we have been called to teach, and let the other subjects be taught by those who have been called to teach them. Two, we need to learn to LISTEN to the others, and get off of our pedestals thinking that we are the ones everyone should stop and listen to. A true teacher is one who has never left off with being a student. This has been the fault of EVERY denomination / movement / Babylonian Tower that has been built. It is the contemptible INABILITY to listen to the others. In that we become a wheel spinning out of balance. This leads to the entrance of error into what we do know, which then corrupts into an absolute lie. This IS the work of the enemy!
Some know that I am a man of strong words. I greatly despise the false teachers, and those that love them and their lies. However, there is a big difference between that type, and those who are sincerely answering the call to “come out of her my people”. It is for these we should have the forgiving love, and let Christ deal with each of us as He wills in that drawing us out.
It is much easier for me to pick up a baseball bat and bash someone over the head, than to put on this role of “forgiving love”. It takes a work of the cross to accomplish it in us. We must learn to stand shoulder to shoulder, not drawing our swords on each other, but UPON THE ENEMY. Let us learn who is the enemy, and who is our fellow soldier, and act accordingly.
Since we are living in the “Land of Deception”, I think it would be foolish for any of us to think that we are not at least tainted with error in some way, let alone who knows how much more Light is coming. We have not as yet come to the Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth. Anyone who thinks that they have is not facing reality, and most assuredly deceived. We are ONLY on our way to Truth, and coming to it by our “Coming Out”. This will be the situation until we have Totally Come Out, and believe me, this is not yet the case for ANYONE. The condemnation is not on those who are willing to walk into the Light to see their errors, but for those who refuse the degrading humiliation of such discovery.
John 3:19-21
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For EVERYONE that doeth evil HATETH the light, neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be reproved (exposed, examined). But he that DOETH TRUTH cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest (made known), that they are WROUGHT IN GOD (that what he is doing is of God, or not)“
We have only come into the season of the “Great Revealing of Secrets”. There is a WHOLE LOT MORE yet to be revealed. In that revealing, any errors in any of our belief systems are going to be EXPOSED!!! BEWARE, and be WARNED!!! We can receive the love for the Truth and therefore submit to the walk of the cross to discover our errors, or refuse the cruel degrading humiliation of such discovery, and find ourselves left in the world presiding Strong Delusion.
All of us who have at all progressed in the “Coming Out” have been changed by the Truth we have received that has displaced the error in us. In that changing, our entire perspective of the total Word of God has also changed. The ones who have come into the knowledge of who the House of Israel is, know what I am talking about. Boy, does that one change your perception.
Let us remember that we were “saved” before we came into these new Truths, and SO ARE THE ONES who have not as yet received them, IF, and I do say IF, they are truly having a walk with Christ. Many have been put to sleep for their rebellion, and are deceived into thinking they are “saved” when they are not. For them I do not even pray. If God were to suddenly remove His Spirit from this earth, these would not even notice the difference, for they follow the Counterfeit, the “Spirit of Jezebel”. Praise God if you are not one of those.
God moves by His Spirit as HE wills, and deals with every one in His way and time for reasons that are beyond our little finite minds. There are some being “Called Out” and trained, before the major move gets under way. Instead of condemning those who have not as yet been called, Praise God for the privilege He has afforded unto you.
This is a progression that we are in, and will be for sometime. Therefore it behooves us to recognize it, and be careful of that which we say. What we say today just might have to be recanted tomorrow. If we will take on this mental attitude, and make it clear to those whom we minister, we then come to a safe place in God. If we do not do so, we are in GRAVE DANGER.
We get programmed with belief systems, and in that our ego gets soul tied to it, and our pride cements it into place. It just might be the most blinding matter involved with the carnal man. It is the MOST COMMON ERROR of us all, and I have yet to see ANY group that has learned its lesson from the long history of such episodes of others. When exposure to a firm belief comes, most know subconsciously that their ego cannot handle this experience of the cross unto exposure, and reach for the “fig leaf,” and by doing so, only listen to refute or contradict what has been stated!!!
My point in this first lesson is rather obvious. Be ready for correction, and let everyone know that they should also come to the same position. It is time to stop using our swords on each other because we do not agree, and line up shoulder to shoulder AGAINST THE REAL ENEMY. We are in the move to “Come Out of Her My People”. We are all in different places in this coming out. We do not need to fight to get each other to see how great the Truth is that we ourselves hold. We shall ALL be brought into every Truth, The Whole Truth, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. God knows what He is doing. LET HIM WORK on each of us as HE WILLS, and use with each of us who HE Wills to do that working!
Lesson Two
The entire Bible MUST BE VIEWED as a book of Law!!! We are given the Holy Law in the beginning, and then the rest of the book defines that Law. The most important aspect being whether or not we are saved!!!
By the Law, Christ was our sacrifice for sins. In this Law of Salvation, it says that all who “believe in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life”. The question is, what is the legal definition of “Believing IN Him”??? Is this an important question??? Oh yes it is, for by the answer our position for eternity is decided. The “Believing IN Him” in Truth must be submitted to, or we will PERISH!!! This end result folks, is as serious as it gets in this life.
We cannot decide for ourselves what this statement means. The proof being in the fact that all of the devils, and Satan himself, “BELIEVE” that Christ IS the savior. Are they therefore saved??? Hardly, as they are scheduled for the Lake of Fire. Therefore, just “believing” He died to save all of us any way that we want to is NOT enough.
“Believing IN Him” is not a passive statement, but one that in and of itself expresses ACTION! And, that action is not predicated upon what we ourselves believe is right and wrong, or what we ourselves believe affords us salvation. Salvation comes by the Word of God in TRUTH, and is that which represents us as our advocate with a point of Law before the throne of God. We had better make real sure that we are standing on the proper legal ground of faith in the Word of Truth, or we are going to get a terrible shock before the judgment seat of Christ.
There is an interesting scripture in Malachi 3:18. In speaking of this day we are now in, it says:
“Then shall ye return, and DISCERN between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God, and him that serveth him NOT!”
The interesting matter here is that it takes DISCERNMENT to tell who is really of God, and who is not. This means that it will not be readily recognized. If it is not readily recognized, then maybe we should be more careful to whom we listen to, and believe. May this article bring at least some “discernment” to us with we ourselves being our primary subject.
I doubt that there are ten people put together that will read this article that has read as many books, listened to as many tapes, or heard as many “ministers” from different realms of “Christianity in the last forty years, as what I have in my search for Truth. This is not a statement of pride, but of fact!!! Because of this, I can say with all integrity that we are living in a quagmire of confusion, contradictions, deception, counterfeit Savior’s, and a realm of self exalting deceivers. I have yet to hear the first sermon, read the first book, or listened to the first tape, that was not at least in some way, tainted with error. The most blatant error’s being perpetrated against us are in the teachings concerning the Prophetic Word. Everything we have been programmed to believe about the last days is filled with the Serpent’s camouflage to cover up what is really happening, and done so to ensnare the people. What an awakening is coming to those who have “received the Love for the Truth”. And oh, what a terrible day for those who have taught the lies!!!
Generally, when first meeting another “Christian”, they will ask which denomination do you attend. They ask that question to identify where you are and what you believe. What they are really asking without realizing it is, “which ‘Jesus’ do you follow“, for they instinctively know that every sect teaches a DIFFERENT ‘Jesus’.
This was prophesied to be the day of the spiritual harlot’s “Christianity”, as Satan was to deceive the WHOLE earth. If we expect to escape the judgments, then it must be our endeavor to overcome the Serpent’s perpetrated delusion, and come out into the Pure Truth.
Even though we should be marching toward this goal, I do not believe that it will be truly accomplished before the advent of Zion. It is here we are to go to “come out”, and it is here we will be told the Truth. Therefore, I do not think we will be brought out into Pure Truth before this manifesting of the Kingdom. Since this is God’s plan, then that is the way it will be.
All error comes from the twisting of Truth into a lie. This is mostly accomplished by those who take a verse, remove it from the context of the whole Word, and even from the appendage chapter, and then by the carnal mind, make it out to be that which pleases their own mind resulting in a lie. This is the practice of the Serpent, the FIRST false prophet who performed such evil from the beginning, even as with Eve. All of those that practice such, walk with the Serpent, the Counterfeit Savior, and preach for him, not God!!! This is what has created what the scripture calls spiritual Babylon that is filled with spiritual harlotry, and harlots. A spiritual harlot is one who gives to a counterfeit Savior what should only be given to the True Savior. In a more plain vernacular, it is one who gives to another what should only be given to their God APPOINTED HUSBAND!!!
We ALL serve someone, whether we recognize what we are doing or not. Either we serve the True Husband, or the counterfeit. With the coming forth of Zion, we will ALL have to make a choice. Either come into Kingdom Order, and the headship commissioned by God, serving the Real Savior, or we will be eliminated.
Our land is full of Jezebel’s whore houses, headed by Priests of Baal who act as pimps to make harlots of God’s people. By their preaching of error, twisted Truth, they create false Savior’s, graven images for the people to worship. I have found there is a different Christ created from false doctrines in every church that I have gone into. Paul warned that:
“the wrath of God is against ALL ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in UNRIGHTEOUSNESS . . . . . . . . ..Who change, or twist, the Truth of God INTO A LIE”!!!
The “Religious Whore” is a great wonder that illusively appears as a True “Christianity.” Jezebel, the counterfeit of the Holy Spirit, uses her Priests to move the people in soulish emotion, titillating the senses with their swelling words and arousing entertainment. Then they pick their pockets to build their own thrones, exalt their own reputations, and to create their own empires. All in the “Name of Jesus” of course, as if this makes it okay. These messengers of Satan are holding the people in captivity. I’ve got news for them. The overcoming “Sons of God” will give their lives to set the people free from these wolves in sheep’s clothing. WOE unto the Priests of Baal, and the world, when they do!!! Anyone that is lusting for position in this wickedness is on their way to destruction!!!
As with all pimps, they cause their whores to worship them as well, as they aggrandize each other, exalting themselves before the people by proudly exclaiming their “marvelous works” and great accomplishments of “faith”. Instead of singing “How Great THOU art”, they sing loudly and clearly, “How great WE art”. They do nothing more than enlarge their place in hell, and are taking everyone that loves this unrighteousness to the same damnation to which they are going.
(Note of warning: Let me make something real clear. There is a counterfeit of the True move of God going on right now, and gaining momentum. When God moves, it will bring us OUT of Babylon; out of the whore’s counterfeit Savior’s; bring forth Zion; His Kingdom; and His overcoming “Sons” who will be given the right to preach the true “Gospel of the Kingdom”. Anything before this event that is advertised as God’s last great move is a deceptive illusion, and of the devil!!! If there is a move of God before this time, it will be in the loosing of stress upon us to bring us into a travail. Remember it.)
The Apostle John is the one who warned us of this “Mysterious Woman” who is now taking the whole world captive through the ambitious and industrious works of men. When he wrote what we call “John 3:16”, he wrote it in context with Christ’s entire discourse, and not as some separate thought. We pull this verse out, separate it from what Christ was really saying, and then make it mean what we want it to. The Word in truth does NOT submit to us. We are to submit to the Word. To understand ANY scripture, we must get into the mind of the speaker, or writer, and hear what he was expressing. Let’s go down through a few verses to find out in what context 3:16 is found.
Christ is speaking of those that WILL enter the KINGDOM OF God, and those that WILL NOT; of His crucifixion; and of those that will be “saved” by His death. And, that He did not come to condemn, as the condemned are condemned already. How are they condemned??? He tells us in verses 19 through 21:
“And THIS IS the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were EVIL. For everyone that doeth evil HATETH THE LIGHT, lest his deeds should be reproved (exposed). But he that DOETH TRUTH cometh to the LIGHT, that his deeds may be made manifest (made known), that they are WROUGHT IN God!!!”
The ones that “believe IN Him”, are those who have come out of the condemnation, for they are walking into the Light to find out whether what they are doing is of God, or of the devil. If we are not walking into the Light to test our works to see our shortness, then repenting and confessing those sins so that we can be cleansed, we are NOT “believing IN Him”!!! Believing IN Him is believing in His redemptive work. When we refuse the Light we see no need for such, and this is overwhelmingly our plight of today. Saying that we “believe in Him” while committing evil and then refuse to walk into the Light to have the evil exposed WILL NOT WORK, for there is NO such legal ground to so exonerate. In fact, all of the legal ground condemns such activity.
How do we know if we are walking into the Light??? We will be receiving Truth, the Love of the Truth which is the Love of Christ Himself, and DOING THE TRUTH!!!
Whatever it is that we are doing that disagrees with the Word of God IS EVIL!!! God does not lead us into rebellion to what His Word requires. If we are in anyway in rebellion to His Kingdom Order and think we are following the Holy Spirit, we are greatly deceived!!! We then are not following the Holy Spirit who is the “Spirit of Truth”, but the counterfeit, the spirit of Jezebel, who leads us into lies, deceptions, and into her harlotry. If we can put our pride filled stiff necked ego on the cruel humiliating cross and walk into the light, we shall be saved. If NOT, then WE SHALL PERISH!!! I do not ask you to believe me, but I sure do ask that you believe the King. Go back and read what He said in this particular discourse. Get rid of the deceiving lies that have filled your head with presuppositions concerning salvation. Read what He said, and what He said in context with John 3:16!!! What is said here is not only in line with the Law of God, but what the entire Word of God has to say. This discourse is in itself a “Law” on which to stand before God Almighty, if . . . IF . . . we walk into the Light and not only receive Truth, but DO IT!!! Then in trying to do it, we become even MORE undone, and as with Paul find not the strength in our own selves to do it. With this discovery, we finally come to the understanding of our total need for Christ, and His redemptive work to be performed in us. It is in this position the operation of Grace and the work of the Blood in that active Grace comes into play in our lives, and then it is we are “Believing IN Him”.
The “flesh” not only will not, but it cannot submit unto God. The work of the cross is the only answer, and those that “Believe in Him” will take up their cross and FOLLOW HIM, following Him even into ALL Truth, and by Him who strengthens us, DO IT!!!
John records in chapters 14 through 17, a long discourse given by Christ just before His being crucified. In this He speaks of the Holy Spirit. I just give you verses 16 – 17 in chapter 14, so you might take the time to read the whole thing.
“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever. Even the SPIRIT OF TRUTH whom the world CANNOT receive, because it seeth him NOT, neither KNOWETH him . . . . “
I once preached a sermon entitled “The Broad and Narrow Ways”. In this, I exhibited at least twenty five major doctrines that were being preached by most of the ministers, and which most of the people believed, that were exactly OPPOSITE OF THE TRUTH!!! I could have shown fifty. Those that heard the message readily recognized that NOT ONE of the ministers of today would accept ANY of them in Truth, and would refuse to even listen to any of it. How then could they possibly find legal ground to say that they “walk after the Holy Spirit”, let alone that they “Know Him”??? The Holy Spirit IS the Spirit of Truth. He does NOT author error. The preaching of error is authored by the Serpent through the carnal mind, and no greater carnality exists on this earth!!!
I used to think that they were saved, but just needed to be broken. That is NOT what Christ says here in these two verses, or anywhere else for that matter. He says that men who do not receive the Truth do not do so for they CANNOT. Cannot for THEY ARE OF THE WORLD and therefore do NOT KNOW this “Comforter”. I am sorry folks, but it is time that we started listening to our High Priest and King instead of inflated men. It is time for us to come into the discernment of who is of God, and WHO IS NOT!!! It does NOT matter how great, or how righteous, they may appear. If they cannot walk into the Light of Truth, cannot receive Truth, they are OF THE WORLD!!!
This was very hard for me to accept, but the more that I fellowshipped with “Pastor’s”, the more frustrated I became until I had NO CHOICE but to walk into the Light and submit unto the Word of God that CONDEMNS all such works.
I was told the evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit was the “speaking in tongues”. Sorry, that can be a Jezebel counterfeit. The evidence is whether or not a person can receive Truth, and in receiving it, WALK IN IT!!! No one that walks in error, or refuses the truth that exposes that error, could ever convince me they have the Holy Spirit, and walk after Him. Christ “The Living Word” says that this is IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Every time I hear a minister preach in favor of the people described in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, I know HE IS DECEIVED, and therefore a deceiver of the people. I sadly doubt his fallen ego would ever be able to accept the Truth of the matter. He has sold himself to the Whore by his preaching of the Serpent’s delusion that is deceiving the WHOLE EARTH. Doing so to receive fame and position of power over the people. As good as he may look and sound, he is making a harlot of the Bride of Christ; and is taking her to the slaughter through his preaching of a false god!!! He is an “illegitimate son” and therefore a “Bastard of the Whore”. To keep him in his pride filled deception, The Whore greatly rewards him with stolen tithe and a “great ministry”, which then serves to cement his doom as he erroneously thinks that it is God that is blessing him. God does NOT bless those who preach the Serpent’s delusion, and support the very enemies of Christ!!! Those who listen to, follow, praise and extol such men, deserve them!!! The next move of God will come forth in great power, and in that undeniable move, expose everything, and everyone, stripping them naked for all to see. Get prepared!!!
Now, the point of this lesson is to show us the importance of our own receiving of Pure Truth, and then walking in it, for upon the “Believing in Him” in Truth is our salvation decided. I do want to warn about the prevalence of deceivers in this day because their errors are taking us away from True Salvation. We must be made aware that we are being deceived, or we will never know it, and that in order to reach unto true salvation, we MUST come OUT of the deceptions. Once we are aware, then the messengers of Satan are no longer of any concern, for the Truth sets us free from them. What is our concern is where WE will end up. It is not what others are doing. It is what am I doing???
The Apostle John heard Christ well, and even years later said in his first Epistle, 1:5-7:
“This then IS THE MESSAGE which we have HEARD OF HIM, and declare unto you, that God is LIGHT, and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and WALK IN DARKNESS, we LIE, and do NOT the Truth. But if we walk in the Light, as he is in the Light, we have fellowship with another, and (then it is) the blood of Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”
If we are not receiving and abiding in the Truth, then we are NOT IN Christ the Light, but in darkness, and the power in the Blood is of no value to us. If we profess to be a “saved Christian” and abide in the darkness by our refusal of Truth, WE DO LIE, and in that lie, deceive ourselves!!!
A person walking in the Light can only have true fellowship with another who is also in the Light. It is IMPOSSIBLE for darkness to fellowship with Light, and any attempt to do so will only bring forth strife. Therefore, anyone who walks after the spirit IN TRUTH, will find themselves being separated from those who love the darkness. They will be able to socialize with all people, even as Christ did, but they will only find unity of mind with people who turn from the lies of darkness, unto the Light of Truth.
Those who love the Whore, her lies, and her false ways, will condemn and shun those who are able to walk into the Light by coming out to receive Truth. They cannot abide the Light, for in the Light their deeds, their believing in counterfeit Savior’s, are exposed. Then, in trying to protect their image before people, the “fig leaf cover up” is enforced. Through treachery, great effort will be extended to make anyone in the Truth to look like the evil one, and they themselves the righteous.
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, just as the scripture above is saying, that refuses to walk into the Light to receive Truth is of the world and IS IN DARKNESS. I do not care how good, or how spiritual they may appear to be. They are deceived and go about deceiving others, taking them to the same destruction which they themselves are headed. It matters not how much they have prophesied, worked miracles, taught or preached about Christ, how many devils they have cast out, or how great a work they have done. If their doctrines are predicated on lies, they are WORKING INIQUITY!!! If your understanding was opened, you would see the Truth that we are living in the ultimate fulfillment of “Ephraim has joined himself unto idols”. How many false god’s we have created with our lies.
We do not want this to be true about ourselves. We must see the importance of Truth, for only by the Truth CAN WE BE SAVED!!! It is not just “others” that are being deceived, but we ourselves also. Coming out of all the deceptions of this day will be quite a task, and will send us ALL to the cross many times over!!! We must come to the position that it matters not how much we think we know, or how long we have studied the Word of God. We ALL have only been prepared for the coming out of the strong delusion into the pure Truth. From out of all our graven images of a Counterfeit Savior created from error.
Paul warned us with tears about the deceivers that would be here in this day. In his second Epistle to Timothy . ..
“This KNOW ALSO, that in the last days perilous times shall come . . . . . . Ever learning, and NEVER ABLE to come into the knowledge of the Truth . . . . . But evil men and SEDUCERS shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived . . . . And they shall turn away their ears FROM THE TRUTH, and shall be turned unto fables.”
These are NOT nice men, but wolves sent by Jezebel, who have NOT come into the church to bring us unto salvation, but to ROB US OF IT!!! We are indeed in a Perilous Day.
In 2nd Thessalonians he warns us that if we do NOT receive the “Love of the Truth” we will fall prey to the “Strong Delusion”, and be sent into it so that WE WILL BE DAMNED!!!
No folks, salvation does not come by “just believing about Christ”, but IN the True Messiah, and in that believing, if we are really believing, we will walk into the Light of Truth, and DO IT. This is NOT an option, for if we do it NOT, we then bring an indictment against us before the throne of the Almighty that will firmly stand by His Book of Law.
The line is being drawn. Those that will “come out” will cross over into the Kingdom of God, and all that this Gospel entails. Those that do not will suffer the consequences. Then we shall see who really is of God, and who is not. It is time for the few sincere ministers left in our midst to sound the Trumpet of Warning, and give the “call” to come out of her my people. Those that refuse the Truth will come against the Kingdom in Zion, against the Pure Truth of the Word, and even as religion killed Christ, they will work to rid the earth of the 144,000 manifesting “Sons of God” who at present lie hidden in the womb of the True Church, awaiting their birth into the True Authority of Christ. These “Sons” will walk in the same “Spirit” that Christ did, and then WOE unto the Spirit of Jezebel, her Priests of Baal, and all of the Harlot’s kingdom of Babylon, Political as well as Religious. How great a fall from their self exalted pedestals they have coming to them.
It is time to wake up people, and get our acts together before God. If we think the problems and cares of this life are important to us now, wait until we enter ETERNITY if we find ourselves to be “castaways.”!!! Here things can always get better. NOT THERE. Once you are there, YOU ARE THERE and there will be no way for things to get better if we find ourselves in the wrong place!
Lesson Three |
We are living in the realm of confusion, of clamoring voices. To get out of this debauchery and unto the Kingdom and the Kingdom Life, we must learn . . .
The Importance of Truth
How important is it that we receive the entrance of Truth??? It is my thinking that we, the so called “Christians”, are more ignorant of this importance than all the rest of the earth. If this is wrong thinking, then why are we so full of divisive confusion, contradicting doctrines, and a different Truth, a different Christ (Jesus), being preached in every place where He IS preached??? This is the LAND OF CONFUSION which is a facet of RELIGIOUS BABYLON!!!
Those that “receive the Love for the Truth” will REJOICE when seeing Him. They will be full of desire for Him, even as a woman who has gone crazy over some “Prince Charming Gods”. Those that won’t, will SPIT ON HIM!!! When I see the effect of Truth upon an individual, I whereby know which category they belong in. If I can so discern, how much MORE then can Christ, the King, who holds the power of life and death IN HIS HANDS?!!!
Adam and Eve were created in perfection. They were eating of the Tree of Life, which IS CHRIST! He is THE Way, THE TRUTH, and THE Life. Not a hodge -podge of contradictions.
The Serpent comes along and gets them to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This is a TREE OF DEATH, and can only produce death!!! It is in fact a TREE OF LIES which produces into this natural realm realities created by those lies. In our own fallen knowledge, we think the lies from this tree are GOOD, and therefore BELIEVE THEM!!! We are further fooled into believing them by men who pose as ministers of righteousness, when they are nothing more than lying deceivers sent by the devil to enslave us to his kingdom of darkness. Sent to DECEIVE even the “VERY ELECT”!!! It is THE TRUTH that delivers us FROM THOSE LIES!!!
Isa. 60:2 is prophesying of THIS PRESENT DAY in which we are living. It reads:
“For behold, the DARKNESS shall cover the earth, and GROSS DARKNESS THE PEOPLE.”
How did this come about, and why??? Stay tuned, you are about to find out.
This kingdom of darkness that is presently ruling the ENTIRE EARTH is a creation from the TREE OF LIES AND ILLUSIONS.
Rev. 18 tells us that in order to escape the judgments coming upon this earth, we are going to have to “COME OUT” of the “Mystery Woman” and her creation of a Babylonian whore that rules the earth. It is a creation of ILLUSIONS, produced by lies that want to appear as Truth.
Anyone whose skin is not shining does not yet have the total understanding of these matters and is still BEING DECEIVED BY THEM!!! In order for us to come into this understanding, we MUST look into our OWN mirror. We are BELIEVING LIES, for we are just as contaminated by the fallen nature as anyone else, and that fallen nature LOVES THE CONSCIENCE SEARING LIES that abound everywhere. We are therefore a VICTIM OF THOSE LIES!!! And, if we stay in them, we are headed for the same destruction that all of the earth is headed. We MUST “COME OUT” of them to escape those judgments, even as Christ himself clearly warned. The time has come to STOP LISTENING TO THE DECEIVERS, and start not only listening to Christ, but HEEDING what He has clearly said!!! To come out of this “STRONG DELUSION” that covers the earth, we are going to have to receive the LOVE FOR THE TRUTH, which is receiving the Love for Christ HIMSELF!!! How many of us have deceived ourselves into believing we LOVE Him, yet when the Truth is presented, we SHUT THE DOOR IN HIS FACE?!! We must stop this in ourselves, and put off this self justifying fallen nature.
The conscience searing “fig leaf cover up” works before men, BUT NOT GOD!!! We make ourselves look righteous on the outside for all to view, while on the inside we are FULL OF THE DEATH produced by the TREE OF LIES that deceivingly appears as Truth! We are not to be in the “fig leaf cover up” mode to make the OUTSIDE look religiously righteous. The outside has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!! It is the INSIDE that must be dealt with, for that is where the contamination resides that works to control us.
This fallen contamination on our genetic structure LOVES ITS LIFE and its control, and its rebellious ego does NOT want to be sacrificed with Christ on the cross to set us free from that control. We can either save our life to lose it, or lose our life to find it, and this is just as True for us as so called “Christians”, as it is FOR ANYONE!!! The TRUE WALK in Christ is the walk of the cross, and THIS IS WHY! Becoming a “Christian” means that we have CHOSEN to begin this walk with Him. If we have refused this walk, we have refused to walk with Him. And, it matters NOT what we say with our lips, our heart is FAR FROM HIM!
When the Truth comes, it causes a decision time in our life. We can either go through the cross to receive, or keep our life and reject the particular Truth being granted to us. The fallen ego wants to reject it and hold us in its power, while the real self mixed up by the contaminated genetic code wants to receive. This is the war between “flesh and spirit”. Christ will NOT make that decision for us. We must make that decision OURSELVES.
In making this resolution, we choose whether to go with the Tree of Life Truth, or stay with the lies of the conscience searing Tree of Death which is our own fallen knowledge of Good and Evil. We MUST decide which way we will go. With Christ and His way, or continue to go our own way. To give up the rebellious fallen ego to the cross with our Messiah to find our life in the Liberty of His Kingdom, or save our life, and remain in our captivity to Satan and his kingdom of darkness that presently rules the earth. It is the “Choose ye this day WHOM YOU WILL SERVE in action!!!
The fallen sociopathic ego fights to survive by justifying all of its actions, and belief systems. It covers up, sears the conscience, and refuses to walk into the Light to see its destructive activity. This IS the VEIL in our temple that came upon us at the time Adam and Eve fell into the contamination of our genetic structure. This caused us to go our own way after the Tree of (our own) Knowledge of Good and Evil, the being our OWN god, which separated us from the Tree of Life and the going God’s way, and certainly from God Himself. Only by the RENTING OF THIS VEIL through the cross of Christ the Living Truth can we be set free and returned unto God, and His Kingdom Life. Choose the cross for the entrance of Truth, and this through its workings will restore EVERYTHING WE LOST with the fall of Adam and Eve. The VERY REASON Christ came and DIED for us.
This is NOT a one time event in our lives. Receiving ALL TRUTH requires a constant work of the cross to receive Truth. The more we go to the cross to receive the Truth that sets us free from the fallen contamination that holds us in its captivity, the more free we become.
The Tree of Life IS the way of the cross, giving up our contaminated life to go God’s way. The Truth takes us to that cross which delivers us into the life of fulfillment intended from the beginning.
The Tree of “The knowledge of Good and Evil”, is the keeping of our own self justified life to go our own way. The lies, illusions, and self justifications of this tree takes us away from the Tree of Life, and holds us in captivity to the Kingdom of Darkness ruled by Satan.
EVERYONE is born with this fallen ego. This includes MINISTERS!!! None of us somehow dropped out of heaven free of any contamination inflicted upon us by the fall of Adam and Eve. This contamination wants to TWIST TRUTH to our own liking and purpose. They, just like we ourselves, must make a choice when Truth is presented to them. They are just as prone to the rejection of the Truth that leads to the cross as we are.
It must be realized there ARE some who have labored sincerely, and diligently, in their positions. These men should not be disparaged. They, like us, have been made victims of the lies. The sincere ones will recognize this, and come out with the rest of us.
The most wicked victimizers of people on this earth are those who teach lies to the people under the guise they are Truth. Just as it is with us, the sociopathic denial mode that refuses to see the harm being inflicted upon others works in them as well. Only in their case, it is NOT any small amount of harm. Those lies are taking God’s gullible people the WRONG WAY, and THAT WAY is the way to the soon coming slaughter for all that continue to believe them!!!
To refresh your memory of the importance of Truth, and His entrance into us, I offer just a few of the scriptures available for such a purpose, giving some elucidating comments as we go. It is imperative that we establish our doctrines on the cover to cover Word. Anything can be preached from isolated scriptures, but NOT when in context of the total Word. I will start with Psalms, and go through to the book of Revelation in this particular review of what scripture has to say about not only the importance of Truth, but of the detriment of lies, and God’s opinion of those who preach them.
PSALMS 15:1-2, 4-5; “God, who shall abide in thy tabernacle??? Who shall dwell in thy Holy Hill??? He that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness, and SPEAKETH TRUTH IN HIS HEART“!!! PSALMS 25:4-5; “Shew me THY WAYS, O God, teach me thy paths. LEAD ME IN THY TRUTH, and teach me”!!! |
This is the evidence that will reside in those who are TRUE believers, and certainly discerns quite quickly who is NOT. The True believer will LOVE the Truth, want to walk in the Truth, and be taught the Truth so THEY CAN walk in the Truth. These are those that will come to the “Holy Hill”, which is Zion, to be taught the Truth, so they can walk in THOSE PATHS.
In Isa. 2:3, which is speaking of the day we are now entering, it says:
“And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of God, to the House of the God of Jacob; and he will TEACH US of His ways, and we WILL WALK in His paths; For out of ZION shall go forth the law, . . . . .
This is where the receivers of Truth are headed.
(NOTE: The full understanding of our “coming out of Babylon unto Zion”, the Kingdom of God on this earth which is our escape, will have to be left to another page. It is too extensive a subject to include in this one. Just remember, we are going to have to “come out of her.” If it is not Zion that we come out to, then tell me where it is. Not by your own knowledge of good and evil, by what you surmise or by one isolated scripture, but by a Truth that runs through the entire Bible, and is clearly stated by the Holy Prophets.)
The false love the LIES, and therefore will never come to Zion, but will condemn it with great veracity! Count on it!!! The “carnal mind” wars against God, and HATES HIS TRUTH, for by the Truth, the deeds of the fallen contaminated mind are exposed.
More of David in Psalms:
33: 4: For the Word of God is right, and ALL his works are DONE IN TRUTH!!!
They are NOT done in lies, confusion, and contradicting doctrines! Those who love and depend upon lies, are loving and depending upon the “god” of those lying doctrines for their salvation, and are going to the same destruction as the lying “anti-Christ” counterfeit savior of mankind.
40:4: Blessed is that man that maketh God his trust, and respecteth NOT the proud, nor such as TURN ASIDE TO LIES!!!
The disrespect, or the despising of lies, and ALL who speak them, is going to come into us even as it is in Christ Himself, for it is Christ Himself who so despises, and is entering us in Truth to so despise.
43:3: O send out thy Light AND THY TRUTH, let them LEAD ME, let them bring me unto thy Holy Hill (unto Zion), and to thy tabernacles (where He dwells).
86:11: Teach me thy way O God, I WILL WALK IN THY TRUTH!!!
96:13: for He cometh to JUDGE THE EARTH, he shall judge the world with righteousness, and THE PEOPLE WITH HIS TRUTH!!!
145:18: God is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that CALL UPON HIM IN TRUTH!!!
Those that call upon “him” in lies are calling upon a false god, man’s own created graven image of Him. It will NOT WORK in this day. It is Satan that is the Father of Lies, NOT God!!! We either call upon Him IN TRUTH, or suffer the consequences. We are not on a joy ride on this earth. We are in a WAR ZONE, with our souls in GREAT JEOPARDY.
16:6; By Mercy and TRUTH iniquity IS PURGED!!!
The Lies of a counterfeit Savior NEVER CLEANSED ANYONE!!! This is why our so called churches, as well as the whole nation WREAK WITH SIN, violations of The Holy Law! You can argue with scripture, but NOT THE RESULTS!!! Saying that two plus two equals five will not work when the true answer of four stands clear for all to recognize.
19:9; A false witness shall not be unpunished, and HE THAT SPEAKETH LIES SHALL PERISH! (Need I say more?)
9:15 – 16; The ancient and honorable, he is the head, and the PROPHET THAT TEACHES LIES, he is the tail.
Anyone who “preaches” or “teaches” from out of the Word of God is speaking forth a “Thus saith God” The office of “Prophet” is NOT just one who reveals the future. It is the scriptural identification of ANYONE who speaks in His Name to teach or preach something that God is supposedly saying to us!!! Take heed.
10:20; And it shall come to pass in THAT day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as are ESCAPED of the House of Jacob, shall NO MORE (which means we HAVE been) again stay upon him that smote them, but shall stay upon God, the Holy One of Israel, IN TRUTH!!! (and THEN) The remnant shall RETURN (which as of now, is what we NEED to do), even the remnant of Jacob, UNTO THE MIGHTY God!
The return to God by the TRUE House of Israel (another lengthy subject) is produced BY THE TRUTH setting them free, which is the LAST GREAT “REVIVAL”!!! NO ONE, and I repeat for emphasis, NO ONE else will be able to come until WE DO, for we are the head that leads the rest of the world to the REAL Christ! This will come from NO OTHER PEOPLE.
28:15 & 17 . . . . for we have made LIES OUR REFUGE, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves (The sociopathic fig leaf cover up). Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet, and the hail shall sweep away the REFUGE OF LIES, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. (Our fig leaf cover ups are this refuge, and they are going to be torn to shreds folks. Get ready.)
38:18, 19; For the grave cannot praise thee, death CANNOT celebrate thee. They that go down to the pit cannot HOPE FOR THY TRUTH! (They cannot for they WILL NOT, as the carnal mind HATES THE TRUTH!!!) The living shall praise thee . . . . the FATHER will MAKE KNOWN to the children THY TRUTH.
Men, it is not up to the women to lead us out. The responsibility for the “coming out” rests upon OUR SHOULDERS! If we are NOT showing our family the way out of this delusion, we are in BIG TROUBLE and have much for which we must answer! We have stupidly let this thing happen to us, and it is now time for us to WAKE UP and correct this dreadful mistake. We have made VICTIMS of our families while we have chased the world to our own destruction’s.
56:10 – 11; His watchmen (ministers who are to watch over the flock) are BLIND. They are ALL IGNORANT (without Truth), they are ALL dumb dogs, they cannot bark (to sound the alarm), sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, THEY ARE GREEDY DOGS which can never have enough, and they are SHEPHERDS that cannot understand. They ALL look to their OWN way (not God’s), every one for his OWN gain, from his OWN quarter (self centered kingdom building. towers of Babylon, derived from twisted Truths which excite the people to rake in the bucks, while claiming to be great messengers of God).
59:3-4, 14-15; For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity, YOUR LIPS have spoken LIES, your tongue hath muttered error. NONE calleth for justice, nor ANY pleadeth for Truth, as they trust in vanity, and SPEAK LIES . . . . and judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off, for TRUTH IS FALLEN IN THE STREET . . . . . YEA, TRUTH FAILETH . . . . .
9:3-8; And they bend their tongues like their bow for LIES, they are NOT VALIANT FOR THE TRUTH upon the earth . . . . and they KNOW NOT ME saith God.
. . . . and every neighbor will WALK WITH SLANDERS . . . . . they will deceive everyone his neighbor, and will NOT SPEAK THE TRUTH, they have taught their tongues to SPEAK LIES . . .Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit (fig leaf cover up), through deceit they refuse to know me saith God . . . . . Their tongue is as an arrow shot out, it speaketh deceit . . . . . they speaketh peaceably to his neighbor with his mouth while in his heart he layeth in wait.
14:14; Then God said unto me, The prophets prophesy LIES IN MY NAME. I sent them NOT, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them. They prophesy unto you a FALSE VISION and divination, a thing of naught, and the DECEIT OF THEIR OWN HEART. (How much this is going on, and how much it is being done to sell their lies for profit.)
23:1, 14, 21, Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!! . . . . . . I have seen also in the prophets an horrible thing. They commit adultery, AND WALK IN LIES, and strengthen the hands of EVIL DOERS, that NONE doth return from his wickedness . . . . . I have NOT sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have NOT spoken to them, yet they prophesied. If they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people TO HEAR MY WORDS, then they should have turned them from their EVIL WAY, and from the evil of their doings. . . . . How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that PROPHESY LIES? Yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their OWN (contaminated fallen) heart.
4:1-3; . . . . THERE IS NO TRUTH . . . . . by swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery . . . . and blood toucheth blood. Therefore shall the land mourn, and everyone that dwelleth therein SHALL LANGUISH . . . . (This is why there is so much pain going on in this nation. It is caused by the being VICTIMIZED WITH LIES. All of the “languishing” going on in this nation thoroughly PROVES the results of lies, and there being NO Truth!!!)
1:13-14; . . . . and ye brought that which was TORN, and the LAME, and the SICK, thus ye brought an offering (as the sacrifice for sins) . . . . . But CURSED BE THE DECEIVER, which hath in his flock a male (lamb, or Messiah), and voweth, and sacrifice unto God a CORRUPT THING (A Counterfeit Messiah).
If we think we can offer just any ol’ lamb as our sacrifice, WE ARE sadly DECEIVED! We worship in TRUTH, or not at all, and what it looks like has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. That conscience searing “fig leaf” will be torn to shreds in the presence of God Almighty. If we think we can offer a counterfeit Messiah created from our twisted Truths as a sacrifice for our sins, we have a shocking surprise coming.
7:21 – 23; NOT EVERYONE that saith unto me (calling upon Him) Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that DOETH the will of the FATHER which is in heaven. MANY will say to me in THAT DAY, Lord, Lord, have we not PROPHESIED in THY NAME??? And in THY NAME have cast out devils??? And in THY NAME done many wonderful works??? And then will I profess unto THEM, I never knew YOU, depart from me ye that work iniquity.
(Iniquity means the Transgression of God’s Holy Law. Disguising the worship of Baal as the worship of God is a blatant violation of that Law. This is what the “many” are doing in this day. WHAT IS THEIR FATE???)
We have been deceived into thinking that everyone that preaches in His name, and seems to be working in the “gifts of the Spirit”, displaying great and wonderful works, are automatically of God, and we should gullibly believe everything they are saying. We can continue to think that way until we STOP LISTENING TO MEN, and START LISTENING TO Christ. According to Him, they can be WORKERS OF INIQUITY, and ONLY by our knowing the TRUTH will we be able to know whether they be of God, OR OF THE DEVIL!! How can we tell what a lie is, unless we KNOW THE TRUTH??? ALL workers of iniquity ARE LIARS, for there is NO TRUTH in them.
Their twisted versions of Truth SOUND like Truth, and fight to displace Truth, but they are LIES!!! I have long said that if the ministers understood the gravity of their position, there would be a panicked mass exodus from the priesthood by terror stricken men. Instead of understanding that gravity, they LOVE their position of grandeur before the people, and realize NOT they themselves are HEADED FOR THE LAKE OF FIRE!!!
There is a very interesting scripture concerning this day when Christ, our Public Defender, stands up for us. He it is that will cause us who will listen to “come out” from all the lies and confusion of the religious whore, and return to God in Truth. It says in Malachi 3:17 – 18:
“And they SHALL BE MINE, saith God, in THAT DAY when I make up my jewels; and I will SPARE THEM, as a man spareth his own son that SERVETH HIM. Then SHALL YE RETURN, and DISCERN between the RIGHTEOUS and the WICKED, between him that SERVETH God, and him that serveth Him NOT.”
This makes it very clear about how strong the delusion was to be in this day. So strong, that it would take DISCERNMENT to know WHO is really of God, and WHO is not. Somehow we think it would be easy to tell the difference. NOT SO!!! Our own gullible mind will believe lies much easier than the Truth. Because of this confusion in our own heads, we need the “gift of discernment” to see things as they REALLY ARE.
We have already seen this discernment COMES BY KNOWING THE TRUTH, and coming into the truth takes a work of the cross. How else could we distinguish between the two very different types? The discernment comes by seeing who comes into the Truth, and who does not. So, are you seeing the importance of giving up our lives to the cross to come into the Truth???
24:4 – 5; Take heed that NO MAN DECEIVE YOU, for MANY shall come in MY NAME saying that I (Christ) am the Messiah, and shall DECEIVE MANY!!!
Again, just because they are preaching “In His Name” does NOT automatically mean they are of God. If we have not known this, we have already been taken in BY THEM!
3:19-21; And this is the condemnation, that Light is come into the world, and men LOVED DARKNESS rather than the Light, because THEIR DEEDS WERE EVIL!!! For everyone that DOETH EVIL hateth the Light, neither cometh TO THE LIGHT, lest their deeds should be reproved (exposed). But he that DOETH TRUTH cometh to the Light, that his deeds may be made manifest, (made known whether or not) they are wrought in God.
This means it is possible to do things we think is God, while in Truth they are NOT of God. Only by walking into the Light of Truth can we know. If we refuse to see our deeds in Truth, we will not walk into that Light, and thus CONDEMN OURSELVES.
4:23; . . . . true worshippers worship the Father in spirit AND IN TRUTH (worshipping in LIES will NOT BE accepted, for neither Christ, nor God the Father want any part of them. Worshipping in LIES, is worshipping a counterfeit God, a FALSE god that was created by a counterfeit Holy Spirit through those lies.) . . . . they that worship Him MUST WORSHIP Him in spirit, AND IN TRUTH (or we are worshipping a FALSE god!!!)
8:32; And (IF) you know the Truth, the TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE!
14:6; I am THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life . . . .
There is only ONE TRUE Messiah, and therefore only ONE way, ONE all inclusive Truth, and only ONE life we are to live. These matters contrived from the Tree of our OWN fallen knowledge of good and evil will NOT WORK. The real Truth takes us the WAY OF THE CROSS to find our Life in the one and only TRUE Son of God.
17:17; . . . Sanctify them THROUGH THY TRUTH . . . (NOT through lies and the worship of Baal disguised as the worship of God.)
Over, and over again, the scripture tells us that it is the Truth that delivers us from the fallen world.
In the Truth is the work of the cross, and in the cross is the work of the blood. The subject of the cleansing, redeeming power of the blood is an extensive subject. We must FIRST of all realize how important it is to come out of the Lies, and into the Truth. Then we can deal with the Blood of Christ, and its powerful effect upon us who are going through the process of redemption.
1:18 & 25; for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness OF MEN who hold the Truth in unrighteousness . . . . . . . . Who CHANGED the Truth of God INTO A LIE!!!
11:13-15; for SUCH ARE FALSE APOSTLES, deceitful workers, TRANSFORMING THEMSELVES INTO THE APOSTLES OF Christ. and no marvel, FOR Satan himself IS DISGUISED as an Angel of Light. Therefore it is no great thing if HIS ministers ALSO be disguised as the ministers of righteousness . .
2:10-12; And with all deceitfulness of unrighteousness in them that PERISH, because they received NOT the LOVE OF THE TRUTH, that they might be saved. And for THIS cause God shall send them STRONG DELUSION, that they should believe a LIE, that they ALL might be DAMNED who believed NOT THE TRUTH, but had pleasure in this unrighteousness.
Truth is an ALL inclusive word. It does not say they loved not SOME Truth, or One Truth. This scripture means ALL Truth, and all that Truth is. All of what Christ Himself IS! If we think that we can believe any way we want to, we ARE deceived. Lies mixed into Truth is NOT TRUTH, but deception. The same deception of Eve which began all of the false prophet’s deceptions unto this day!!! This “strong delusion” is ALREADY HERE! Only those that receive the Love for the REAL TRUTH are going to come out of that delusion!
Most ministers are victims of being in a trap. They can ONLY PREACH what their headquarters will allow. If they would preach the WHOLE TRUTH, they would be DEFROCKED, and lose the position they have worked so hard to achieve. To give up that life to the cross to preach the whole Truth, would be too much of a cross for them to bear.
In coming into ALL Truth, each parcel brings balance. When some Truth is rejected, then the Truth seen gets out of balance. Truth is then viewed through tunnel vision. The narrow minded parameter’s of the intellect will not see it in clarity, or in relation to all other Truth. It then drifts into error through the natural currents of the contaminated mind, influenced by the crafty wolves in sheep’s clothing that have sneaked their way in among us. Then the rationalizing sociopathic denial mode will not face the harm being done to the sheep, but in fact deceives itself into thinking it is serving God. Corruption rises, and no one seems to notice, for no one is standing on their guard. It happened to the early church, and it is certainly happening in this day.
Most do not even understand the walk in Christ is a “walk of the cross” in the first place. They have forgotten the cross, and preach to try and straighten out the “Old Nature” that CANNOT BE STRAIGHTENED OUT. There is only ONE RECOURSE for the fallen contaminated person. Die a death unto JUDGMENT, or give it up to the cross in Christ to be freed from it!! This is the giving up of our life to find our place in God’s purpose.
Unless a minister is teaching the “works of the cross”, he doesn’t even know Christ, let alone what His sacrifice was all about. If your “minister” is not preaching the importance of receiving Truth, and I mean ALL of the Truth, through the works of the cross, you might ask him why he doesn’t. Or, do you ALREADY KNOW WHY, and therefore the question is rather superfluous?
4:1 – 2; Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that IN THE LATTER TIMES (which is the day we are presently living) some shall DEPART from the faith, giving heed to SEDUCING SPIRITS ( and seducing spirits seduce to LIES), and doctrines of devils. Speaking LIES IN HYPOCRISY, having their conscience seared with a hot iron.
This is the sociopathic mind in full operation. “Seducing Spirits” are marvelous impersonators. There is ONE VERY STRONG ONE who impersonates the Holy Spirit. That spirit has a whole army of impersonators, and they follow the instructions of the “strong one”.
The Holy Spirit leads us into ALL Truth. The IMPERSONATORS lead into the realms of lies, illusions, and deceptions. This is how you can discern which “Spirit” is operating in a particular realm. If we do NOT receive the Love for the Truth, we get the COUNTERFEIT, and in that receiving, RECEIVE the JUDGMENT of the “Strong Delusion”!!! Hear me well! If you didn’t get what was said, go back and READ IT AGAIN!)
3:5-7; Having a FORM of godliness (an illusion of looking like they are of God), but denying the power thereof, from such TURN AWAY! For of this sort are they which creep into houses (without the permission of the husband in headship) and lead captive SILLY women laden with sins, led away with divers LUSTS, ever learning and NEVER ABLE to come to the KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH!!!
4:3-4; For the time will come when they will NOT endure sound doctrine, but after their OWN LUSTS shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, and they shall turn AWAY their ears FROM THE TRUTH and shall be turned unto fables (LIES of the “Strong Delusion” as a JUDGMENT).
1st JOHN
1:6-10; If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and WALK IN DARKNESS, we LIE, and do NOT THE TRUTH! . . . . if we walk in the Light we have fellowship one with another . . . . .if we say we have no sin, we DECEIVE OURSELVES, and the Truth is NOT in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to FORGIVE us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make HIM a liar, and His word is not in us.
18:4; And I heard another voice from heaven saying, COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, that ye be NOT partakers of HER SINS, that ye receive NOT of her PLAGUES!
21:8; the fearful and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whore mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, AND ALL LIARS shall have THEIR PART in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone . . . .
22:14 – 15; Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have RIGHT to the tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and WHOSOEVER LOVETH AND MAKETH A Lie!!! (The twisting of Truth)
God has warned us through nearly every writer of the Bible to watch out for those that would deceive us. Yet we read across this message like it is for someone else. Our pride filled ego thinks it is written for some other numb skull. “I could never be deceived. I walk after the Holy Spirit, and He leads me into all Truth”. Yes He does, IF we follow Him!!! We can rebel, and NOT follow. It is time to look into our own mirror, and realize God had GOOD REASON to warn us. If we haven’t taken heed to the warning’s, then we have been taken in.
In Acts 20:29-31, the Apostle Paul says,
“For I KNOW this, that after my departure (death) shall savage wolves enter in AMONG YOU, not sparing the flock. Also of YOUR OWN SELVES shall men arise, speaking contradictions (preaching that which is directly opposite of the Truth, which in fact CONTRADICTS what Christ preached and taught, and in that contradiction, is in Truth calling Christ a liar) to draw away disciples after them. Therefore WATCH, and REMEMBER, that by the space of THREE YEARS I ceased NOT to warn everyone night and day WITH TEARS!!!”
Paul new what was coming by what the Holy Prophets had prophesied. It grieved him so greatly that he tried to warn the early church day and night for THREE YEARS. They DID NOT LISTEN, and did not listen for the VERY SAME REASON we are not listening today. It is time for us to wake up. Deceivers ARE AMONG US, and have even come FROM among us. We CAN BE DECEIVED by them, and not only can be WE HAVE BEEN!!! If this were not so, then Paul would be a LIAR, and grieving over his prophesied “Strong Delusion” for NOTHING!!!
Seducing entrapments have been here from the beginning. This started with the seduction of Eve, who in turn tricked Adam through the same method. Satan can only work from his Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil. Our fallen naive consciousness LOVES THAT TREE. This “love” must go to the cross with Christ, and set us free into the receiving of the “Love for the Truth”. Our fallen pride filled ego does not appreciate this trip whatsoever.
The first false prophet was the “Serpent”. These deceivers have been with us all through history, right to this day. Maybe especially in this day. This is a TRUTH that runs from cover to cover in the Bible. The last one is depicted to us in Rev. 13:11-17, and 19:20. The time of the reign of lies by the false prophets is coming to its disastrous conclusion.
The gross darkness that presently rules the earth has been created by the false prophets from out of the Tree of death and illusion. Those that believe their lies WILL BE DAMNED with them!!! They are deceived themselves, and in being deceived, go about brainwashing everyone into deception that will listen to them. The people that listen are then trapped in the same envelope of limited parameters of deception in which the deceivers themselves are entrapped.
These blind guides, loving their grandeur before the people, proudly exalt themselves and each other by applauding all their great works “for God”, never realizing what they are doing. They come in the “ILLUSION OF LOVE” while having NO CONSCIENCE of the hate filled damage they are inflicting. If anyone would try to tell them, they would refute it most vigorously, as their fallen sociopathic mind would not be able to accept how they are VICTIMIZING everyone that believes them. They are “whited sepulchers”, looking oh so wonderful on the outside by reason of the illusion they present, but they are FULL OF DEATH, and void of the UNTWISTED PURE TRUTH!!!
We have been greatly victimized by Lies. Lies that hold us in bondage to the fallen nature, and thus to the fallen world, and its rulership over us. This captivity keeps us from becoming all that we can be. The deliverance from those lies comes by the entrance of the Truth. We MUST “COME OUT” from all brainwashing of the unrepentive contaminated minds that will NOT look in the mirror to see their monster.
When Truth comes to us, we want to reject Him. If we receive Him, this takes us through the cross in which we suffer psychological upheavals. Through this work we are delivered from lies unto the Truth. In EVERY INSTANCE of coming into Truth, a part of us comes into Liberty by the death of the “monster” that has resided in us from the beginning. In each working of the cross, we come into new Truth, and therefore birth further into a new life.
The coming out of the “Strong Delusion” by the receiving of the Truth is a major ingredient in the coming out from our participation with Religious Babylon, which is “Jezebel’s” seductive counterfeit of the real walk in Christ.
When we believe a lie, we are then following, and by that following, worshipping, a counterfeit Messiah. That counterfeit is the father or author of the lie. Therefore, what we believe is of paramount importance. Anyone depending on the author of any false doctrine as their Savior is in big trouble. We are in reality, by our false doctrines, creating graven images in our minds, and we are then worshipping that image. If it isn’t Christ, the LIVING TRUTH, we had better get serious.
I give you an example. If the pre-trib rapture doctrine is a lie, then anyone depending on it is depending on a false god. Certainly not the real Christ. What a surprise those people have coming. They are thinking they do not need to prepare for anything, because they will be “gone.”
Anyone depending on, trusting in, following a god that did away with The Holy Law is depending on a false god. Certainly not God. So, those that are depending on that “savior”, are then trusting in, and depending on, a false god. Satan is the “LAWLESS ONE”, NOT Christ!!!
Christ WAS the “Lamb without blemish”, judged so by the Law of God. He DOES NOT violate the Law. Neither does God, and therefore, neither does the Holy Spirit. Anyone who thinks otherwise, or thinks they are following the Holy Spirit when they are violating God’s Law, is GREATLY DECEIVED!
Deception is running rampant. We MUST “come out of her” and all of her harlotry of worshipping false gods. This “coming out” is NOT an option. It is either come out of our graven images unto the TRUE Messiah, the LIVING WORD or suffer the Judgment unto damnation.
My point is people, it is not our prime directive to prove our pet doctrines as truth, but to come OUT of anything we are believing that is a lie. To come out of our graven images unto the TRUE Messiah, the LIVING TRUTH. He is NOT the author of lies, or false doctrine. Satan is, and since he is working hard to deceive the whole world (and I can tell you, he ain’t lazy), we need to set ourselves to discovering how he is trying to deceive even we our own self. I might add that anyone who thinks he is above being deceived is walking in great pride, and has no idea concerning the overcoming of the deceiver while living in this war zone.
So, is it important that we receive the “Love for Christ, the Living Truth”??? It is if we want to escape this STRONG DELUSION of the Kingdom of Darkness sent upon those who don’t, and the resulting DAMNATION!!!
It is for us to come to the knowledge of the Truth, and OUT of all the lies, the COUNTERFEIT Messiah’s THAT ARE BEING PREACHED IN THE “LAND OF CONFUSION.” It is a serious day folks. Few understand how serious it is.
The time is coming when all who are sincerely wanting to walk with God are going to have to wake up. Staying in participation with the “Great Whore”, Counterfeit “Christianity”, means the suffering of the judgments that are clearly written. The “easy salvation” with no obligation / responsibility, DOES NOT EXIST! The scriptures are full of the warnings concerning this. I give just one. It is too bad the people of today were not alive in Peter’s day so they could straighten him out. He says in his 1st epistle, 4:17-18;
“For the time is come that JUDGMENT must begin at the house of God and if it FIRST begin AT US, what shall be the end of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the RIGHTEOUS scarcely, with great difficulty, be saved, where shall the sinner appear?”
When I see people warned by someone who knows what he is talking about, and it is rejected, I SHUDDER!!! They have NO IDEA of what they are doing.